lack of creativity..

do you ever feel depressed because of that?
I do Happy
or when you feel like making something but don't know what?
or when you realise you don't have the materials you need..?

Do you think creativity is something that can be learnt or that you just born with?

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28 replies since 20th November 2009 • Last reply 20th November 2009

I hate it when I want to make something but I don't know what. It can make me feel quite miserable. Not having the right materials is a proper PITA, especially if you don't realize until just before you start.
You can learn the necessary skills to make something, to follow a pattern and some instructions, but creativity is something else. Maybe you can become more creative over time if you practise it. You would have to learn to see things in a different way though, learn to see potential in things rather than just accepting everything the way it is.
Interesting threadHappy

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I think to be creative, you have to be intrested in what your doing.
I love trash-to-treasure projects because 1) your materials are usually free and always plentiful
2) feel good about helping the earth
3)it feels rewarding making something cool that would have normally been thrown away.
quote- "or when you feel like making something but don't know what?" I come to this site for ideas Happy

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I think everyone is born creative, it depends oh how you use it, if you nurture it. Creativty is a mindset, how you solve a problem.

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ugh i hate not having the materials! im so impatient when it comes to that haha like this magnets i was making i had the magnets and glue and not the top to it and i was lookin all around the house for something i could use then googling pics of the thing i wanted to make it sucks

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sometimes i get burnt out if i am making more than 1 item. like i am making crayon rolls for my nieces and nephews and i've made 2 already but don't really want to make anymore because now that i know how to make them it kinda takes the fun out of it a little.
i also hate not having materials, like when i run out of poly fil or if i didn't buy enough yarn to finish a project i have to go back and try to find the same lot number for the color- that's a pain!

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yeah, I can understand that, after a bit of repitition the fun gets dragged out of it

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I hate that when I do something creative it turns out it was something I saw a long time ago and forgot about. Tongue

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I wonder if that ever happened to me, probly did...sometimes I just put things on the back burner and then forget about it

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i think everyone HAS creativity...some people just have more talent, or want to utilize it more

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Yeah I get kinda depressed when I want to make something but don't know what. I want to make Christmas presants for my friends but I have no idea what and it's realling grinding on my last nerves!!

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I agree with Michelle.Everyone is born creative.When I was little my mother was always encouraging me to do creative stuff,she made me go to a workshop for kids,even if she couldnt afford it at the time.So I think that really helped me to be the creative person who I am now.

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my parents were never really creative people, but they gave me paint and stuff like that because I liked it

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Do you know that phenomenon: say you have holidays, nothing to do and time enough but you're just too tired or bored to start something and as soon as you have to go back to work (the more the better) you have thousands of ideas coming to you and you have to work through the night, just to get some release?
I feel like that at the moment! Since several months I'm waiting for the administration of my uni to get the ethical review for my study, I'm running around talking to everyone and I don't have a second for myself - but right now I have millions of ideas... And the sad thing about it: when I have the time to do them, I'm too tired or ill... that's really killing me!!

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hug. try to squeeze it in, even if its a quick sketch

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