lack of creativity..
I too get to the point where I want to make some but then don't know what. Sometimes I will use my craft dice or my craft inspiration box to help me decide.
My biggest problem tho is that I'm the biggest procrastinator you ever want to meet. I have so much to do and that I want to do, I make a list and things get skipped, telling myself "I will come back to that one later". Yeah right, later like in two weeks later. But it does suck like an upright when I get creators block!!
its your inspiration box!!
Yeah, everyone is born creative. I was and my parents really tried to keep that with me...they did a good job! Its their fault I wanna go to art school! Haha
Thank you so much! it is good to know I'm not the only one that get frustrated..
I also think that when you acquire better skills, everithing comes more easily.
Irma, what you describe ALWAYS happens to me! when I have to study for an important exam, that's the moment I get more inspired, but can't spend time on making stuff. veeery annoying
when you get an idea, just do a quick sketch of it, thats what I do...Or study and craft at the same time. I multi task
creativemind, the craft dice and inspiration box are such a good idea!! you should totallly publish a how-to... i'm often in need of inspiration of what to craft
I think she did post a how to
I have notebooks scattered around full of ideas that I never get around to....or I'll lose them and a year later I'm like 'heeyyyyy.'
I have a problem with getting bored easily, I'll move from one thing to another and sometimes not finish other projects.
I love crafting with my girlfriends (I have only two and one is living faaaar away) ,but sometimes when we get together we just start talking,and then we say "ok,just one more cigar and then will do it" or "ok,lets wach this movie and then will do it" And at the end we dont do nothing we planned,because we where to busy doing other stuff or talking.But thats no problem because when I stay alone Im really better at crafting,and I get really cool ideas.
kira-thats me and my A D D
mostly, when I have no time but millions of Ideas, I write them down and make a Note in my mobile (or even a reminder). That way no good Ideas get lost... But now there's no more space on the mobile and I still have no time...
Thats really sad. I wen't to a craft shop to buy some flowers and things to decorate a comb for my sisters christmas present, but that shop was crowded and I was so tired, i was ill for the next week and I did not even get what I wanted...
but I'm giving my best
Another good thing to calm your creative soul, if you don't have another idea, is writing. Best is: you don't need anything but paper and a pen and you can make up the best stories. I love to write children's stories or anything. You don't even have to be good at writing, the most important thing is to have fun.
And it's a good "creativity practice"
writing is a great exersize
that's very sweet ^^
you should share your stories with us!
these last days I've got a few things done, xmas presents... and it makes me feel....good
thats great
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