Panic Attacks

19 replies since 6th December 2009 • Last reply 6th December 2009

No I hate crowded places. My brain reacts by just shutting down so I don't panic, which isn't good. So I just walk round in a total haze.

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I felt shitty today as every shop I went near in my lunch break made me panicky so I ended up going to a newsagents and buying crisps which made me feel bad as I wanted some real food. I hate the shops at this time of the year though. I get panicky and can't breath and start to have big problems making decisions which makes me panic more Happy

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I know, its a horrible feeling.

I get the hazy feeling too, I just try to stay away from crowds

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During my panic attacks, I take a PRN (as needed medication) called Klonipin. It's a mild sedative, or benzodiapene, which are generally given in very low doses to stop the attacks or I use them to prevent them before going out into a public place not in my comfort zone (social phobia). I've never been successful with or patient enough using natural remedies. The main drawback of such a medication is that they can become very addictive, but luckily that hasn't happened to me and I've been taking it for several years. A few hours after taking one, I often get really drowsy, so that's a drawback as well. Other such medications are Ativan and Lorazapam, which are interestingly given to sharp shooters in order to steady themselves for more accurate shooting.

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I have suffered with panic attacks for the past two years and heres what my nurse suggested:
Concerntrate on your breathing. Take one little breath, breathe out, take one little breath, breathe out, take a big breath, breathe out.
You have to concertrate to remmber when the big breath comes and it helps calm you down.
It works for me unless im allready mid-panic attack.

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