April 2010
what to do(employment related woes) 3rd April 2010I studied Graphic Design and could not get a job at all, I started my own, but already a month in I know I probly will not make a year. I need to get at least one photography shoot or 20 tshirt orders a week to keep me above water. I have half a BA, I left. ok I flunked out,...21 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
March 2010
Boyfriend moveing things way to fast 31st March 2010so im with a lovely guy who calls him self Doom (hes the guy in my proflie pictuer) we have been together for about 2 months and they have been wonderful but lately it seems like hes been moveing things a bit too fast. like he asked me if i'd move in with him when the old...10 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Today, I feel so average. 31st March 2010Today has been such an average day- nasty weather, bad hair, boring lessons, etc..
Say anything to cheer me up basically!
13 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago -
Nasty Children 25th March 2010I was walking past the bus stop today to get to my car and I was wearing a skirt I had made out of a pillowcase. Some horrible chavvy girls and one boy were waiting at the bus stop and my heart sunk they were obviously up for mouthing off. The girl said 'Hahaha looks like...33 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Huh, not sure what to do. 25th March 2010Okay, so I'm a bit confused right now. My best friend wants me to go to prom with her and a group of mostly people I know, 15 people in all. She's a senior in high school and I'm supposed to be, but I left my junior year and got my GED, due to issues. I had wanted to go to the...19 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
hmm i just noticed something.. 24th March 2010i dont usually like to express my feelings but idk the people on here seem very freiendly with advice and such. so id like some feedback if youd be so kind. I had this boyfriend i broke up with him along time ago cant say how long ago, but when i did i figured out that i...12 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Womens Hairdressers! 23rd March 2010I'm not sure what the situation is in other countries but here in the UK if you are female and want to get your hair cut you are probably looking at paying a minimum of 30 (I live just outside London so it might be a bit less further North). If you are a man and pop along to...19 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
My poor cat :'( 21st March 2010Here's the story from the beginning. Both my mother and me had noticed that for about 2 or 3 weeks my cat (Lolly) has been drinking LOADS more than usual, she hardly EVER touches the water we put in her bowl for her, for some reason she drinks the water that drips out of our...12 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Saving the World!! 20th March 2010I want to do as much as I can to help protect the environment, help charities, my local area, etc.. as much as possible really! What do you guys do, and do you have any suggestions as to what I can do to help make the world a better place as much as possible?!6 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Problem logging in! ARRRRRR! 18th March 2010Am I the only one that is having problems logging in to the site??? I get this notice Sorry Unable to log you in Password is not valid 10 times before it logs me on and when it does it shows my toolbar as if im logged in already and i am but still get this notice on my screen....7 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
what is wrong with me???:( 12th March 2010hey..... so i guess i should just jump head first into this... in the past few months i have noticed i have turned into a complete bitch... well so my boyfriend says... things are pretty tough right now money wise as he isnt woking and doesnt seem to be actively looking for a...13 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
:( and :) 12th March 2010LONG TIME NO SEE!! You see, my boyfriend (now ex) turned into a controlling freak. I WASNT ALLOWED TO CRAFT!!And i had to work atleast 40 hours a week, at a job i hated, and i was never cooking enough, never cleaning enough, and than he cheated on me with a 16 year old. And...13 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
suicide thoughts 10th March 2010ello. few days ago i wrote on this board about a boy i like. and then i was, lets say. happy? there are days when i feel very happy, and very sad. but, these days i'm feeling very, very sad. i dont see whats the point of living anymore. i'm great student, and i have (had)...10 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
My god I'm pathetic... 10th March 2010It just occurred to me... my social life is horribly plain. XD On occasion I exchange phone numbers, I have my set of regular people I speak to depending on which class period, and I'm not really in a main 'circle' of friends. Rather, I don't have a 'circle' of friends. All I...5 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
help 8th March 2010my bf and i broke up. he packed up everything and even took the dildos. is that gross? should i ask for them back? they were a present for me so why did he take them... no he has no fetish. and he's not gay5 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Boyfriend Issues/troubles 8th March 2010i was in my room and bob had friends over (bob is 23 friends are 17-18). bob and i have broken up for a week now and i asked bob to move out in month time and he agreed. so because we weren't talking bob invited some 4 friends over for a drink. i watched dvds up stairs....4 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
I'm going to be away for a bit 7th March 2010As the title indicates, I won't be on CO+K much over the next few weeks, mostly this and next week. My Granddad died yesturday morning so I'm going to be helping out with arrangements as well as supporting the rest of my family. I also have a lot of coursework to do over the...4 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
making friends. :) 3rd March 2010simple as the title suggests really i have a couple of close friends at school, but thats it. in the past, ive been friends with more people, but they just seem to find new friends really easily and forget about their old ones. im nearly at the end of secondary school and cant...8 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
February 2010
Commenting on CO&K 28th February 2010Is anybody else having problems viewing and posting comments?? None of my comments will post and I can't see any of the comments left on my projects. Any ideas?? Thanks!! ~Becks 339 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Hopeless 27th February 2010I've been in and out of the psychiatric hospital. Just when I think I'm okay I'm not and all the hope goes out of the window when I'm in the depths of depression again and the suicidal thoughts never stay at bay for long and lurk in the back of my mind. I take my meds,try to...5 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
TV License 26th February 2010The December before last me and my bf stopped watching tv. In the May of that year we thought we would take the plunge and got rid of the telly. In the June I wrote to the TV license people and told them and they cancelled the license and no more payments were made. For about...18 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
getting over it 24th February 2010how do you get over someone? what do you guys do? yesterday i finally found out a guy i like/liked (soon to be likeD) did like me, but a year ago, but doesnt any more. i was pretty much ready to move on since we hadnt talked in ages and i knew it wouldnt work, but i did like...14 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
thinking about closing my COAK account 19th February 2010over the last year I have noticed a lot of newbies signing up, and boy are they ever rude, I am sick of seeing people place rude comments on my and others projects, in the last three months I have sent emails to cat about people leaving rude or rasist remarks on projects or...67 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
oh noes, gum desease 18th February 2010hey guys, visited the dentist today and found out that even though I have perfect teeth, no cavities or anything. I have the start of gum desease.!!!!!! Gosh. It scared me. He told me I need to brush for three mins, and use mouthwash. I had one heck of a cleaning too. It...4 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
they dont get me here 18th February 2010It really hurts my feelings that no one in my fam gets me. and they make dumb comments. like yesterday, i got out the wire cutters and took the handle off a spoon, left a little piece to turn as a hanger and planned on painting the spoon to make a pendant. I thought it was...16 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
natural remedy for migraines?? 17th February 2010does anyone know a natural remedy for migraine headache pains?? i'm just so tired of taking all those meds... though they can work wonders, i just figured i would try an alternative31 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Ew Ew Ew Ewy Ladybugs 13th February 2010Everywhere I go: pull a shirt out of my closet- there's a ladybug on the collar; eating a bowl of ramen- there's a ladybug crawling by; this afternoon pulling out the sewing machine- there's a ladybug sitting near the needle! I'm serious, no one is safe from these little...9 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
valentines day picnc help!!!!! 13th February 2010with valentines day on the way i wanted to surprise my hubby with a valentines day picnic i was super excited for it and i have been getting ready for it for a while. now the only thing i'm worried about is the weather, it has been raining randomly for the past month and i...2 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
a death of an olympian and the Vancouver games 12th February 2010today a Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili died while completing a trial run. Its so sad, he was only 21. They are stating that the run is too hard and not sequred, the lugers are at risk of flying out of the turns, and yesterday 4 US team Lugers had accidents on the run. I...10 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
R.I.P. Alexander McQueen 11th February 2010i received the message one hour ago. Im unbelievable sad that this amazing and innovative designer has gone forever. Maybe it was the only solution for him, maybe he is with his best friend and his mother now, but im also thinking about how cruel fashion business could be and...5 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Need a Rant.
Vacation-based rant...
I can't link to my facebook
Bye CO and K :(
What It’s Like to Chill Out With Whom the Rest of the World Considers As The Most Ruthless Men: Ratko Mladic, Goran Hadzic and Radovan Karadzic (+) Confessions of a Female War Crimes Investigator By Jill Louise Starr NJ USA
Sewing help?