Today, I feel so average.

Today has been such an average day- nasty weather, bad hair, boring lessons, etc.. Happy

Say anything to cheer me up basically!

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13 replies since 31st March 2010 • Last reply 31st March 2010

I read this, and I instantly thought MLIA! haha you should check out that website Happy their average stories are funny.....way funnier than an actual average day Happy

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right clothes, hat, dark glasses to hide behind (solutions to an average day)

I wish my days were average Happy

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Lamebook is like failbook lol.
Try dyeing your hair a lairy colour, I haven't had an average day in years=)
Also I like that's good for cheering you up (especially if you've a geekish turn of mind)

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I always feel average, today I've felt really less than average!!!
The only thing I can suggest maybe is put on your favourite music and try dancing around the house like a mad thing!?!?

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you need people to say that you are never average! You are very special

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I love a good lolcat so is a fav - also it links to graphjam and lolceleb which are also funny Happy

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I can has cheezburger, loves

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I recently found

Today, I was watching the news and saw a story of a young boy with Cerebral Palsy that was told he'd never be able to walk.

His family adopted a duckling, which was going to be put down because it had deformed legs. But this boy learned to walk from copying the duckling's every move.

His determination and accomplished feat GMH.

Seriously, there's things on there that you just cant help but smile at. Some actually made me cry (granted it was 2am when I was reading them)
Although the world seems pretty grim at the moment, there are these little amazing things happening all the time

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yayy! i feel better today Happy I've been on mlia, givesmehope and cheezburger before but not in a while so i shall take a look at them.. thankyou for the other sites and suggestions, i'm going to take a look later today (after ive gone and eaten a chocolate-chip-muffin! mwahahaa) on the interwebs Happy

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I watch kpop music videos. makes me smile

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Yeah, the "average" blues get to me all the time. The last time a felt average, I ran around outside in the snow barefoot with a sundress on yelling at the top of my lungs. You should have seen the look on my neighbor's face..... You're sufferng from "same ol' - same ol'" syndrome. Do something completely out of your comfort zone to shuck that dreariness. Happy

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Stevie G, that sounds absolutly hilarious!! Last time I did something crazy was like a good 4 years ago in an English "summer" we'd had a puddling pool out because it was nice weather... sunny, not as hot as some other country's get but still. It was 9 o'clock at night - so freezing cold - and I jumped in it again and sat there for about 20 mins, probably not wise, but it felt good. I just don't get time to do something out of the ordinary I'm always stuck as home revising or doing coursework. Now I've got 2 weeks off for easter I might take a day off and do somethig random. I'd love to go Zorbing/Sphering or even just to go to Thrope Park and get the old adrenaline rushing through my system!!

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Cheers me up.

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