"The customer's always right." SAYS WHO?
people are always trying to scam, thing is, they think we are too dumb to catch on. But we know what they are trying to do, so why bother? But they still do
If you could say it without getting into trouble, I know the question is in the back of your mind, "If you always have a problem with our DVDs then why do you keep coming back?" I would think that's the logical thing with anything or anybody, if you continue to have a "legitimate" problem with a product, store, company, etc. then why would you keep coming back to it? Duh!!! One of the dead give aways of someone trying to pull a scam.
And yeah, love the one when someone tries to return something they wore or was stolen.
I love when they try and say that they are a 'regular' too. Its like mmm yeah I know most of the regulars and the ones I don't know I can tell from how they act.
And yes, I was thinking that in my head, I think one of the customers I helped after mentioned it after she left. :p I believe her plan of action was we would just comply like sheep and not check out the disc.
Actully one time a pawn shop called my work because someone was trying to sell one of our games. And they wanted to know if it was stolen. I wish we told them to hold on to it, 'cause it was concidered stolen. But the guy said he would return it, I think he just went to a different pawn shop. = /
yeah, we are not that dumb.
People do some strange things
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