Mid-life crisis?

I just want to know what are some of the typical signs of a parent going through their mid-life crisis.

My dad is fine. It's my mom who I suspect is going through it. Though she's always had an attitude I realized it has been rising for the past couple of years. Without make-up and considering her body type she is consistently mistaken for being in her 20's or 30's, which puts me off on the mid-life crisis theory. Nothing big happened recently either. Money is tight but it's not enough to kill us if we bought something expensive on impulse. She's her usual self most of the time, but a couple instances have stood out.

Btw, she's 52.

- If you saw my topic waaay back I explained that she put down my want to start beading jewelry and said it was stupid.

- "Look at me. I'm the cutest", "You wish you looked like me", "Don't you wish you had my clothes", "You're just jealous of the Orange County girls"... ect. These random statements are said daily and I just roll my eyes. I'm not offended. It's just too stupid to be offended by.

- 'I KNOW EVERYTHING AND YOU KNOW NOTHING' attitude. My dad and bro feel this too.

- She constantly puts down my boyfriend when he's not around. He is a great guy who loves conversation, affection, and spoiling me to no end. Also very intelligent and doesn't look like a bad guy. What I'm not able to forget is when I was explaining about these good points she said, "There is no one like your dad." What?

And these are only the things that are directed towards me. I'm not even going to get into what happens with my bro and dad. Basically, nagging and put downs for all of us. It's normal for her to be like this but recently it's just gotten ridiculous.

So, can anyone say whether this is a mid-life crisis or not?

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7 replies since 28th November 2009 • Last reply 28th November 2009

I think it may have to do with self esteem, putting others down to make herself feel better. It could be for attention.

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When I do go and try to give her attention and have a conversation she puts me down which pushes me away. Tongue

Really it feels like I'm dealing with a kid sometimes.

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well maybe you need to tell her that she is acting like a child? thats if she will listen

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I've seen this happen a few times.....
Whether consciously or unconsciously, your Mum is a bit jealous. She's getting older, even if she doesn't look it, and it seems to her you're having all the fun she used to have years ago...a boyfriend, interests, enthusiasm, a long and happy future to look forward to, and most of all, youth! She's only trying to make herself feel better by putting you down. Maybe that is mid life crisis, I don't kow, and I don't really understand it, because I'm always happy to encourage my kids in anything they do, I take pride in their achievements and love to see them enjoy themselves.

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Good point nora. Yeah, I'm starting to thing it goes along those lines. She got pregnant a little early so I suppose it would make more sense to act like that.

*sigh* Oh well. It will pass I hope. Though more than a year from now it won't be long until I'm moving out. I'll just enjoy the good moments and deal with the bad for now. lol

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Ugghhh, I feel your pain. My Mum is 55 and is exactly like this. I've always been on the skinny side my whole life but in the last year I've gained a bit, well a lot of weight. It doesn't bother me, I'm 35, have two children, and I figure I can't be glamorous my whole life right. Mum has really got a kick in telling me how fat I look and if I reach for a glass of Coke she'll go out of her way to make a snide remark about it. I'm getting married next year and everytime I've talked to Mum about the wedding she won't even look at me, shrug and then say, it's not my wedding why ask me. She hasn't looked at dress choices, even though I've sat down with her to go through them, she'll just ignore me. She's become unbearable, and I feel like grabbing her and shaking her back to reality. Good Luck with your Mum, if you find out the answer to this please let me know...

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you know what just be yourself Crafty, I bet you look great with that weight. Cuvry is better then a stick.

My mom picks at me too, like boyfriends arn't good enough, or I should find a rich boyfriend...Maybe its a mom thing. Well one thing is for shure, someone slap me if I ever act that way

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