Pet Peeves
Exactly Michelle!!
And I hate that too Vyxen, when kids are more or less having a fit cuz they can't have what they want. I hated when my kids acted up in public; when they got "that" look, they knew to cut that crap out, and if that didn't work, it was a trip to the restroom or somewhere where they surely got straightened out. And God forbid if they wandered off!
my neice used to be so bad in stores she would throw her self down when we were trying to pick her up it looked like we were beating her or something lol she was two tho
hahaha i can actually say that i don't mind screaming kids this time. My cousins are so bad that my grandma is secretly paying me to babysit them for thanksgiving. I get paid 15 bucks (which is alot of money to me)!
I knew one women when her kid sat their wailing, she would just leave them wailing and walk to the end of the aisle and wait. Once they relize its not going to work, they stop pretty fast
with my neices and nephews if they walk away in a store all we had to do was say bye were leaving and they would come real quick. i do that with my kids and they say bye mom and walk farther away lol
just ask a salesperson to help you, and do this when they walk away, duck behind a clothes rack and hide. I bet they will come then
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