Posts by queenfairypants

    yeh my teacher says 'bistro' really sarcasticly Happy

    I'm scared of falling from heights, can't bear it up step ladders and in Florence in Italy we climbed the stairs to the top of the cathedral and the last set were so steep and so much worse climbing down them! They were concreate too. I was shaking all the way down but probably because there was a LOT of steps.

    I'm not scared of dying I'm just scared of pain. I used to get so scared about my dog dying that I had a dream that she was dead in a shoe box, and we had to get her put down but she was still walking around like it took ages to take effect, in the dream.

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    It's not dangerous as long as someone isn't really nasty about it.

    If you look at mythology espeically celtic mythology it all seems taken from the same sort of ideas, it's just stories adults made up when children asked 'why are we here' etc. Apparently Mary Magdeline used to play a very important part in it all until a church (guess which) decided to change it and now only Mary Magdeline has a last name, and women aren't important in it even though a woman was needed for Jesus to be born when god could have magicked him here!

    I used to believe in it I gave up on it but my brain half wants to believe it.

    The only thing I don't agree with is the hypocrisy (espeically from one church who told AID victims not to use condoms despite an epidemic) and extremes it can be taken to. Not letting kid's read harry potter, even though the devil isn't even mentioned in it and it's all about love anyway.

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    A church wall told me that I'd get eternal life if I believed in him!!!!

    I don't at all really, well I believe there probably was someone called Jesus who was talking about Chrisianity (which hadn't even been invented yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!) my friend believes it all I just can't but I'm open minded.

    I want tarot cards!

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    the above list plus red wool, green wool, beige or green fabric

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    Jesus in pictures is always pretty, he's always like glowing white though when really he would have been black or medertereinian (hard word to spell!)

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    My arms and legs are too long for kids clothes, was even when I was still a kid!

    A lot of people have that 'one is bigger than the other' thing. It's easy for boys to say stuff about boobs because they're more visible then what a male has got. Every guy has a preference so don't worry, mind you saying that it sounds like it's more how you feel about it then what other people think, which I can relate to.

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    Roma: 'Bistro' it says on the door to our college canteen

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    did he give you bread and fish and wine!?

    There was a power cut it was ace.

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    my boyfriend likes them I haven't really heard their music properly or given them a chance...yet.

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    I still don't know what to make her Aimme Ray ( makes these felt russain doll things, so I'm thinking about something like that that could have stuff stored in them or a big one that will go over the things on her dressing table to make it look pretty and neater then it already is.

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    felt, fabric, embroidery thread, embroidery ring, fimo and fimo glaze.

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    well then say 'yes I have small boobs, you seem to like them you keep looking at them!!!'

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    oh that's reminded me, it's not really a fear but I get really bad anxiety/paranoia in pupblic and in a compact space, I have a nervous twitch thing going on were I constantly itch my nose! In canteens/resturants, cinemas, the street, a queue, a shop etc etc it started in high school and won't go away. It's not about the way I look I'm fine with myself I just get scared incase people laugh at me for some reason or another.

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    my mums really good about anything I want to do because she feels like she didn't get much of a choice when she was younger because of unfortunate circumstances.

    I agree with Shivi, make mrs Methatsall a nice present all by crafts and she might see why you enjoy it, ooooh maybe try knitting together! I don't understand why she won't let you, you have a nice safe (well safe until you start using craft knives lol) healthy interest!

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    hey it gets worse after high school, work wise, and then you have to get a job!!!! Something that helps me sooo much is writing a list of everything that I need to do and what days to do it on.

    Don't worry Chelsea, mine didn't grow properly till I was 17, they're not exactly huge now but you learn to like whats you gots! I'm 19 now and I don't think they're gonna get any bigger but they're all right, would like some actual clevage though, instead of a slight shadow in the right light!!! And I bet you're tall and skinny rather then a fat ball with back ache!

    I got a website from a careers adviser guy at college which will help me find a vet nurse apprentiship but now the site won't work, I hope they're just updating it!

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