Posts by queenfairypants

    My mum is like 'please don't get more tattoos' but I can do it if I want, my dad can't say anything because he's covered although he did say 'don't get anyones name though' and my boyfriend doesn't really like them but said he wanted a cricket one or a lyric or something but I'll do what I like!

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    ok so I registered to this lets say 'agency' that helps people find apprenticeships in animal related things. I was getting really worried about not finding anything and sent letters and a cv to some local vets. Anyway the number for the 'agency' only had 5 digits in it so my mum phoned it and it started ringing so I thought since I was gonna phone them anyway might as well do it now. So gggoooooooooooooood news, the manager was away but is back so interviews will start and hopefully I can complete my course and go straight into an apprenticeship!

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    Once I was on a bus and it went over a hole or something and this woman said 'god hope no one is expecting on this bus' so now I'm scared that if I do have children I won't want to go on buses while pregnant lol aaah stomachs gone in knots now.

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    The thing that people always need is closure I find, maybe if you told him what an evil twat he is then you'd feel better. I don't really feel angry at people that made my life hell anymore I just need closure.

    I was told a floater is caused by something going a bit wrong at the backs of your eyes.

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    really? Is that a joke, I don't want to actually say who Prince Harry is incase it is a joke lol Grandson of the queen, innit.

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    I've said it since they kept reporting it first time round and I say it now and I'll say it again, if they're worried for his life and the other troops then don't report it! Don't tell anyone! Stupid Americans reporting it, no one even knew. It must piss him off so much, he wanted to go there to do what he was trained for, his life is of the same value as all the other troops yet he's had more press coverage for being there then soldiers that have died out there.

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    I'm sorry but it had to be done. I'm reading the last book again Happy

    I thought it would be pretty cool to discuss it in here because you can't get that much intellegent response from official HP boardies.

    I had hardly ever read a whole book by myself before HP (it's been revealed that this is because of having mild dyslexia). J K Rowling created such a wonderful series full of atmosphere etc etc that i read them all all the way through, I have never been so involved with fictional characters I just think it's all so amazing, it speaks to a lot of people. The magic is what makes it because it's been done in a very modern way. I'm trying to find books with the same atmosphere and stuff.

    soo erm thoughts...

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    I've had a floater in my left eye for 4 days in a row now.

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    ya what!?

    Girls Aloud have alright songs, Rhianna does too Happy

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    Oh my god, I think I'm gonna cry, there's nothing I can say at all because nothing would make it better.

    I've never had anything that bad happen to me I've either walked away or just sort of ignored them or been pulled away by a friend, you want to punch these arseholes but when it comes to it you don't want to get into trouble, hurt etc.

    I'm just so sorry.

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    I hate unencouraging art teachers!

    And yes I need a job and an apprentiship.

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    the only person injured in the earthquake was a 19 year old man cuz a chimney fell on him through the roof of his house!

    They got a bit carried away with going on about it didnt they.

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    heeey NIN? QOTSA? they're amazing and not british.

    Manic Street Preachers, Howling Bells, Goldfrapp, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Biffy Clyro, Bloc Party, Muse yes muse! 'Map of the Problematique' by muse nearly makes me cry everytime i hear that song.

    I'm sick of our music scene at the moment all the indie cindys!

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    you could make one of his favourite games character out of dough bake it and then he could eat it or you could cover it in glue so he could keep it.

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    Hairspray is so good for fixing stuff like pencil and charchol Happy someone at college had some proper spray stuff that looked expensive i just said 'why don't you just use hairspray'

    I just have loads of random stuff that WILL be useful one day, like little hangers and stuff.

    We also don't have Snapple, I love Snapple.

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