March 2009
what would the ideal bakery be for you? 31st March 2009what type of goodies would it carry? no doughnuts, sorry, don't want to do the deep fry thing. would it offer breakfast? what? lunch? what? what would the decor be like? snobby? yuppy? old fashion? retro? would you offer more to sip than coffee/tea/hot chocolate (and not that...4 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
January 2009
opeing a bakery/chocolate/coffee shop 29th January 2009my son (bless his heart) knows that i thrive when i can create things, things people eat all the better. i am happiest and a much nicer person when i am doing this constantly. he is working on a business plan to get me into my own shop (he believes so much in my abilities he...9 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
why are my cookies hard?? 19th January 2009I dont know what im doing wrong!! but my cookies always end up rock hard.
its sucks.
9 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
December 2008
Christmas Cookie 4th December 2008So what is you're favorite christmas cookie And, should i put up a how to on som christmas cookies (like my very veristle dough, that makes four different cookies?)3 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
the best place/resturant you ever been 4th December 2008the curry house-Changchun china Cafe Roma-Dublin, IRE Sweet Relic- St John's, NL, Canada Silivo's- Homburg-Saar, GER41 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Help with Cookie Recipe 3rd December 2008Hey I came up with an idea I wanted to try for cookies, it'll be a filled cookie. The crust will be shaped like a bottle cap only bigger, with a flaky crust, inside, I want orange mousse. This is were the problem comes in. To finish off the cookie, I want to pour icing over...3 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
November 2008
October 2008
Long-Last Baking 30th October 2008I am going on camp on monday and apparently i have to bring something home-made that will last around 5 days at da most. anyone 4 ideas?5 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Mixing black food coloring? 29th October 2008Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone has had luck with mixing food coloring to get black - I'm trying to make some black cupcakes (with orange icing) and have only been achieving a kind of sludgy grey. Is there any hope or should I give up and make green cupcakes instead?...9 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Vegan Food Blogs 13th October 2008Ok, so today I decided to go vegan. Does anyone know of any good vegan food blogs with recipes and things on? I'd be very grateful! Thanks! Roma x21 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
if you like my RECIPE 'S then you will love my new blog 7th October 2008
Someone gave me an idea to make a recipe book, so I am making a foodie blog. Some you have already seen, some are new. but visit my site
1 reply · Last reply over 16 years ago
July 2008
Sandwich/bread fillings 15th July 2008I usualy bi-pass lunchtimes as I just don't know what to eat and can't be bothered making a cooked meal so I want you guys to help me come up with things to fill a sandwich, torilla, pita pocket, foccacia, whatever really! Don't worry if you repeat the same ingredient, eg- ham...30 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
What have you been cooking? (Photo edition) 9th July 2008This weeks special has been a Red Onion & Olive Tart:
Basically you fry up loads of chopped red onions. Roll out some puff pastry and mould it in to a circle (like you would a pizza base), spread the top with onions, add some olives and cook in the oven for 20 minutes....
11 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago -
Dried herbs? 8th July 2008I have an indoor herb garden and I have snipped a bunch of the plants and am now drying the herbs. I have mainly mint, rosemary, and lavendar. Does anyone have any ideas about what I could do with all of these dried herbs? The only thing that I can think of to make are those...14 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Mmmm Quesadillas! 7th July 2008They're so much better than sandwiches. This week, instead of opting for boring old bread for my sandwiches, I picked tortilla bread so that I could make quesadillas. Today I'm having them filled with cheese and quorn chicken slices.8 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
where can u buy baking supplies 2nd July 2008what store online or in Kansas City can u Buy baking supplies. like cookie and cupcake boxes. fondant and gumpaste. and neat decorating utensils. just like cool baking supplies???5 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
June 2008
May 2008
Daring Bakers 6th May 2008I'm considering joining the [url=]Daring Bakers blog roll[/url]- only my blog isn't a food blog, it's just a crafting one which I happen to post food bits in occasionally. Also I'm on wordpress but everyone on Daring Bakers appears to...3 replies · Last reply almost 17 years ago
Cake decorating? 4th May 2008Has anyone made a wedding cake (or same idea, with many many layers and thick!) i have a great idea for a friends b-day cake for her twentieth b-day, but its going to be big and i'm alittle unsure of where to go with it.0 replies · Last reply almost 17 years ago
March 2008
EGG EMERGENCY!!!!!!! 21st March 2008Help me! I am making chocolate filled eggs for my co-workers (saw it on craftzine). I've followed the instructions and everything has gone well up until now. I have poked a hole in the ends of my eggs and blown out the yolks. The instructions then say to cover the eggs in warm...7 replies · Last reply almost 17 years ago
I need Great recipes 1st March 2008Ok, so I'm conducting a cruel form of warfare with my Boyfriend's step-brother. I'm cooking delicious, aromatic recipes that float threw the house and not give him a drop or a crumb (which for a guy like him is pure torture). Now, i have a few, but i need more. More i tell...3 replies · Last reply about 17 years ago
February 2008
Cupcake 29th February 2008Good morning This is my first time posting. I belong to a group of ladies and we do every year the 2 Day walk for Breast cancer. This year we change out team's name we are the TEAM CUPCAKE. I'm trying to find ideas using cupcake to make item to sell for the fundraiser. Also I...2 replies · Last reply about 17 years ago
I <3 Sushi 13th February 2008I've become addicted to sushi recently, it's so gooooood. Seriously, I'd have it over sweets or junk food any day. Yum!28 replies · Last reply about 17 years ago
Spicy recipes! 12th February 2008My boyfriend loves spicy food with a passion, and i know like two recipes for spicy foods. I want to get more choices into the food i cook for him, but I'm also on a budget, so nothing with out of the ordinary (or to far out anyways) foods.8 replies · Last reply about 17 years ago
What is your favorite ethnic food? 9th February 2008I raised my family on ethnic foods. Why? Because my American husband is from the mid-west, South Dakota and they don't know anything about ethnic foods and I'm Indo-Dutch. So every time they visit I make something ethnic for them to try. Now when they visit they expect...14 replies · Last reply about 17 years ago
January 2008
October 2007
home made baileys 17th October 2007it's easy to make and soooo good, and you can make it stronger or sweeter 1 can of condensed milk 1 can (use the milk can to measure) whisky 2 big spoon instant coofee 2 big spoon choolate powder mix everything in the mixer and serve very cold. every time you serve you have to...11 replies · Last reply over 17 years ago
Bento Boxes 1st October 2007I made a bento box for my lunch today and it was delicious. [img][/img] My box includes quorn and spring onion fritters, broccoli, heat shaped carrots, apple, grapes, a coconut and taro cake, strawberry...57 replies · Last reply over 17 years ago
September 2007