opeing a bakery/chocolate/coffee shop

my son (bless his heart) knows that i thrive when i can create things, things people eat all the better. i am happiest and a much nicer person when i am doing this constantly.

he is working on a business plan to get me into my own shop (he believes so much in my abilities he is willing to cash in his retirement funds which i don't want him to do)

i want to offer coffee, not starbucks type either, but fresh roasted that morning type, fresh ground right before it is made type. along with a coco "bar".

the bakery part would offer things like dobos torte, hungarina strudel (no i am sicilain/irish/scottish) a few specialty italian pasteries, french, along with maybe decorated cupcakes, and stand by favorites, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter, scottish shortbread. and a few chocolate items. decorated cakes. and of course special requests.

now here is where you folks come in, i was looking on the net and can't seem to find any pictures of the chocolate shope, La Céleste Praline from Chocolat. i want an old world type of feel, kinda warm and welcoming, but still elegant.

Oh yeah, and name ideas so far i have come up with a few, but they don't "sing" to me.

They are:
Chocolat and more
La Celete Chocolat Bakery
Dreams, Inc.
The Little Bakery
Cookies, Cakes & Coffee, OH MY!
Tiny Treats
Tummy Yummies
Mom's Bakery & Coffee Shop

help, please?

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9 replies since 29th January 2009 • Last reply 29th January 2009

OOoh I bet you are excited. For a name think of something that means alot to you in your life or while your son was growing up. Play with the names around till you find something that "sing" to you. This way the name has alot of meaning to you when you open up your Yummy little shop. Happy keep us posted.

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I like "the little bakery" but perhaps it would sound better if it was called "little bakery". But you have to make sure that it sticks to its name, you can't really expand too much if you call your shop "little bakery". Something general is always good that doesn't constrict you, so it may not be good to call your shop a foreign name as then it looks a little odd if you sell treats from all different countries. Either way, as cliche as it may sound, follow your heart! (but I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that!)

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ooh, we used to call him jsquared when i was preggers. hmm. but we couldn't call it his other nick name, "wee little pecker" stopped calling him that when he was born. i always knew i was having a boy, no the doc didn't tell me.

my daughter is willing to come back from california to work it too. that would be jean, jim, jasmine, and my hubby is john. hmmm.

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haha, my friend's family has four J's too, There's Janet, John, Jemma and Jodie! loti

Goodluck on the name game, jean!

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thats kewl that you all have j's .....and your going to be selling JAVA....hmmm coffee...yummy

The Java J's

That just popped in my head. Dont mind me lol

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Me and my dad talking this morning about the cereal "just right" and saying that it was very fitting and clever. There used to be a restaurant called something like "Something Nice" or "Nice place" Can't remember exactly what it was. What if you went for a name similar to this sort of idea. "Treat yourself" is what sprung to mind.

Hearing you talk about all the tasty treats is making me want some :O

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i like the java j's, and the idea of a nice place. hmm

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I can't chose out of your names

thats cause im stuck on mine (please don't steal it Happy it make me sad) but if i ever open my own bakery i want to call it Made With Love cause all the best food is made with love Happy

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i promise jasmin, it won't be made with love. ok, that statement sounds off doesn't it? but you get what i mean.

jim likes the sound of the little bakery, but it would have to be the little bakery and more since *HE* thinks we should offer a lite lunch menu (comfort food type) and breakfast items. hmm. do you think my kid likes to eat mom's cooking?

Hmm, you guys have helped me think of a few more:

Mom's Kitchen
Mom's Cozy Kitchen
The Comfort Zone

thanks for the ideas!! keep 'em coming!

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