Vegan Food Blogs

21 replies since 13th October 2008 • Last reply 13th October 2008

I was vegetarian for 3 years, and I think of going veg again all the time. I stopped after I attempted suicide, and was very depressed for the next year or so, so I just didn't care about anything anymore. Now that I'm happy with myself, my life, and have the emotional support and friendship I need, I feel like I can care again. It's easy for me to not eat meat. I love veggies, tofu, soy and other vegetarian foods. I fear being a pastavore, though. It's easy for me to eat too much grain and not enough veggies.

I'd like to go veg again for my health, mostly, and also because, well, I just don't need meat. I don't feel bad about animals dying for food quite as much as I used to. Every creature will eventually die. Animals kill other animals for food. It's how life works. I'm all for humane quality of life for animals, though. Factory farms disturb me. I don't think I've cooked meat myself in months; I only eat it when someone offers it to me, or if there is not a viable alternative in a meal. I usually only use dairy products in recipes or dishes that require them.

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Ahhh well that didn't last long Sad

My mother wasn't exactly the most supportive and it's pretty tricky so I just stopped for her because it stressed her out. I'm doing it again when I move out though. I learnt a lot, it was great. I felt so healthy. And yeah, I guess I have Rainbow Funster's view on it, it's for my health.

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aw well thats a bummer Happy oh well Happy

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You could just go veggie rather then vegan, little easier to do and your family might start eating quorn and stuff and accept it. Show your mum some of the things about a vegetarian diet. Is it because she thinks you won't be healthy? Here are some links to pages that show what vitamins and protein can be found in vegetables

Animals kill other animals for food but humans have a conscience and the option to not go and kill something for food. Sorry if that sounded rude, it wasn't supposed to be rude! Sometimes I think my reasons for being veggie is just as much about the industry as the actual animals, the way it's mass produced like tshirts.

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No it's because she works full time and has little time to sit down and set things out properly. She knows all about a vegetarian diet, she used to be a veggie. Her and Dad grow their only vegetables and are very proud of their harvests.. We often eat vegetarian. I'm just not interested in ebing a vegetarian. If I'm going to do something I've got to do it properly.

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oooooh ok fair dos Happy

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Well at least you know you can do it when you have your own place Happy

My parents hated me being a veg when I was a teen, my mam was always pushing fish at me! hehe

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