September 2008
Rocky Horror Help!!! 9th September 2008So my fam does a themed Halloween part every year. this year is rocky horror. I just went to the show and have a Columbia costume, but i want to do something different, i am kind of rocky horrored out (if that is possible). The thing is , my mom is uber sensitive, so i can not...4 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
paint swatches 8th September 2008as i was unpacking my craft room i found a lot of paint swatches and I was curious anyone have any ideas on what i can use them for6 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Prick & Stitch 7th September 2008Hi! Does anyone have any suggestions on sites that have free prick and stitch patterns? Thanks!0 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Is this just a Plus-size girl problem? 6th September 2008Ok, so, as many of you have read my angsty teen plus size ranty thingymabobergig, you know that I'm a big girl
But sometiems... like with ALL of the skinnys jeans I have bought... the waist is HUGE on me! Like... if it fit in the front, then the back would be huge, if the...
9 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago -
Dad's Polos 4th September 2008Ok so my folks are having a yard sell and before i let them get rid of all sorts of cool stuff i had to go through it. i found all these awesome polo shirts in rad colors that my dad is getting rid of. they are all XL or XXL and i am deff no where close to fitting that in a...5 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Pleated skirt pattern/how-to? 4th September 2008I want to be Velma Dinkley (from Scooby Doo) for Halloween and since I want to make my costume I need to make a pleated skirt like hers. I am plus sized and an experienced beginner in sewing. Does anyone know of any good online patterns or how-to's? I am having trouble finding...8 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Yarn? 1st September 2008I once wanted to knit and i learned but now i stopped and i don't want to start again cause i liked it but i want to move on for a while , thing is now i have lots of yarn in different colors which i liked to keep around but what can i make with it that doesn't involve...11 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
August 2008
how to make a personalized stamp for shirts, stationary,e.t.c. 27th August 2008that would be a great idea if you could just stamp a shirt instead of taking awhile to make a stencil(although it is quite fun) if you happen to know a tutorial or are willing to make one that would be awesome!2 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Hard Scratchy Yarn for Dishcloth? 21st August 2008A good friend of mine loves crochet dishcloths for her kitchen. She says she used to be able to buy them from a cute old lady who used a hard, scratchy, cotton yarn good for scrubbing. I have looked at Sugar and Cream and other cotton yarns but they seem very soft. Does anyone...2 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
birthday help 18th August 2008I'm making a birthday present for a friend and want to make her lots of miniature stuff. I'm going to include bought miniature stuff too like buttons and ribbon but I need more ideas of stuff whether bought or made. I need things that fit into a medium sized matchbox or around...8 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Tea Stain Newbie 13th August 2008I've got a shirt I want to tea stain, but all the tutorials I can find are for dying the fabric completely. I only want the splotches. Can someone help?3 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
need new ideas for old shirts 10th August 2008Hello everyone
I have two old shirts that I love to death, but I just cant part with, I need some ideas of what to do with them, I'd love to be able to still wear them. They're both a little snug, and I'd love to fix that problem if possible!...
3 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago -
husky viking 6th August 2008so i got a free husky viking sewing machine today yeaaaaaa it was agood ending to all the crap that has happend today the girl who gave it to me said it wasnt working but i plugged it in and everything seems to be running fine the only thing is i dont know how to thread it or...2 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Back to the daily....outfits? 6th August 2008Okay, this is my fist post. First of all, I love this place quite a lot. I really do. So here, I kindly ask.... School's rushing closer, and I really want to wear something that'll remind people who I am, and that'll just wow them. Well, even more so, I want to wear something...0 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
someone want to post 3rd August 2008a how to crochet? I learned how to crochet a line with my fingers... I have no clue how to use the hook thing OR how to go back and forth, because I just just go in a straight line.1 reply · Last reply over 16 years ago
First Day Back to School 2nd August 2008Ok, so I have an idea for what I want to do for my back to school outfit. My mom is all freaky about "no, your first day back to Green valley [my high school] HAS TO BE SPECIAL!!!" Its my Senior year, and I kind of want to make it be ALL DIY stuff! The jewelry that I've made,...19 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
July 2008
Anyone up for old school Pin pals? 30th July 2008Remember back when you were in school and you'd get a pin pal for the summer? And how exciting was it when you got a letter in the mail?! Anyone up for it? Would be cool to have some pin pals from across the pond to. (=115 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
I am back...sorta...(pic of evil step) 21st July 2008hi guys, I must say I hope no one ever feels what I am feeling now, with this pain I would rather be giving birth cause at least the contraptions slowly subside for a minute before coming again, this pain I have is constant. Its more annoying than ever since I am not one to...15 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
do you know about materiels 13th July 2008i have this material its got this like hippi flower print on it anyways it was like a 1$ a yard so i got some because ive never used this before i thought i would make a swimsuit or pantys its a really strechy material but its not actually as thick as swimsuit material so im...5 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Silk Scarves 11th July 2008I was looking at Audrey Kitching's buzznet and she had a fashion segment. It was called Thrifting like a rockstar and it looked really interesting. So I'm going thrifting later this week to see what i can find. One of the things I liked was the silk scarves she had I was...5 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Poker chips? 8th July 2008I went junk shopping the other day and bought a box of poxer chips that brings about a 100 , i thought maybe i can make something creative out of them but so far i cant really think of anything nice , maybe some ideas can really help me on my quest of creativity , please and...14 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
What can i do with buttons? 7th July 2008A year ago i bought bags and bags of buttons , i made button earrings , button bracelets , and necklaces too , but after a while i got tired of making them and realized i didnt even like it alot , and im not intrested in putting them on clothe , so what can i make with them...9 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Crayons 7th July 2008About half a year ago i went on a rapage and bought tons of crayons now i have so many and i dont even color with them , is there anything i can turn them into that will make them less boring , Help!6 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Arizona Drink cans 5th July 2008I have kept a bunch of Arizona Drink cans because they're so pretty. Does anybody have any craft ideas? I really need to get rid of some and I was looking at Project Runway re-runs and I saw the candy dresses and thay inspired me to make a skirt. I also remember I had Arizona...10 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
anbu cosplay(arm guards are finished!) 4th July 2008hey guys, some might remember me saying a bit ago that I will be going to an anime expo on July 18-20th. Well for the most part I thought I wouldn't have the money to go and not have the time to make my cosplay outfit. But as I was googling outfits and sulking in my sadness I...12 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
June 2008
book purse 27th June 2008hola ppls! I am curious if anyone can make a book purse and do a how to. I been google-ing and some of them look really neat but it looks complicated. I think the only prob I see is having the guts to de-gut a book. Thanks guys
4 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago -
Year-end presents 23rd June 2008I want to make something for my teachers for a year end present and I need ideas! Please help me! I have 3 teachers (1 male, 2 female) I was thinking about making them bookmarks and cards lol MY fav teacher is going away and she loves coffee so I was thinking about making her...21 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
logo... 22nd June 2008ive always wanted to sell my own line of crafts. i make hairthings, wallets, handbags, earrings, necklaces, charms, all kind of bracelets, scarfs, belts, and other randoms. ive sold items to a few family members, and some friends. but have never tried to really get out there,...7 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Doll Clothes 19th June 2008This might have come up before but I can't be bothered looking lol If I make something should I cut the fabric a cm or more bigger then the proper measurements and should I use a very close and neat running stitch along the shape of the fabric (have to do it by hand don't have...0 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago
Polymer Clay went hard 19th June 2008I had an unopened packet of polymer clay but when I opened it, it was already hard. Is there a way to soften it up again?6 replies · Last reply over 16 years ago