Tea Stain Newbie

I've got a shirt I want to tea stain, but all the tutorials I can find are for dying the fabric completely. I only want the splotches. Can someone help?

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3 replies since 13th August 2008 • Last reply 13th August 2008

You could tye-die?
Or stencil, even.
Although, I suppose tea is quite runny.
Hmmm.. :?

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You could use wax, like in batiking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batik#Procedure

So anything you want to keep white, it's coated in wax, and then the tea stain is applied and then the wax is ironed off. I'm not sure if this is exactly what ya need.

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as in actually stain with tea? Won't it just keep fading in the wash?

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