Anyone up for old school Pin pals?

115 replies since 30th July 2008 • Last reply 30th July 2008

oh that will be no problem. people are very nice around here

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oh you are from Germany! Ich spreche ein bissen deutsch, Im 2004 ich wogne 6 mon. am Homburg-Saar. Est tut mei leid, meine Deutsch ist nicht so gut.

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No,I´m not usually from Germany..(I´m not born here) but I live here ^^*g* Half German-Half Brazilian ^^
Never mind..your German is good enough for me to understand..;) Very good for only 6Month in Germany. :-O

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I was born in germany, I loved it when dad got stationed there. I especially enjoyed Frankfurt. I love the food, chocolate, the candy guy that would come onto the military housing and ring that cowbell, the water parks, the ice skating rings and the castles! I dont mind going back but I would miss my family if my husband got station there.

I wish dad let us learned german..i only know the basics, my grandma is full blooded german...she is like its easy to understand and then start speaking in german like i know what she is saying lol. Crazy.

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I love Frankfurt. The Botantical Garden is great, and the museams...

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Hey Shivi, have you got my latest letter yet?

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^^ I did know that your father was stationated here ...but I didn´t know that you are also born here ^^
haha.. Then you are more German than I am ^^ *g*
That´s cool!!!... Well,I don´t think German is that much difficult to learn...
It is in the srelated Language-group I think..because of its sounding and intonation (hope this is an english word^^)
I mean it´s not like Russian or other East-europe -Languages.They seem to be more difficult.

If you want I can teach you a little bit ^^ ..Well Michelle could also teach you a few words as well ;) it´s really amazing that you have learned that in 6Month,I can´t believe this.. it´s so cool ^^

The Botanical Garden is really great..My University was a few minutes away from it and Students have free-entrance there ^^*yay* seems as everybody(or a few people) already has a penpal.. How should we mix the rest of us who haven´t got a penpal yet?!?! Any ideas?!

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Who wants to write to me in Australia??


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I say just ask anyone!

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^^ thanks michelle ^^ I´ve found a pen pal^^ *yay*

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Happy yahhhhh

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I really want to say SIGN ME UP!!! but... I tried being pen pals with a friend who lives nearby (just to keep up on the mommy chatter LOL) but I never did write her back... i wouldn`t want to disappoint someone! Happy
If someone wants to try and lure me in though ... lol let me know... I`m in Ontario, Canada.

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Aww I want to be involved in this. How does it work? Is it just like normal pen pals but with little hand crafted gifts too?

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well... that depends on your partner.. but I think we all make some crafted gifts for our pen pal sometime.
I`m planing to send mine a little christmas gift ;) We only wrote emails before....but I want to send my first letter with a surprise inside
..but it´s a secret*pssssst* ^^

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