Anyone up for old school Pin pals?

115 replies since 30th July 2008 • Last reply 30th July 2008

Oh! I love pen pals!

I've never really had one outside of a classroom, and I think it would be pretty awesome. Gives the option to fancy up the letters, unlike with emails.

Sign me up! I'm in Canada. ^^;

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If anyone can't find a pinpal let me know. (=

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Can I join? I have exciting envelope stickers!

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Got your letter today Shivi!

I shall get some nice stationery and send yours out asap =)

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hey tara, ever get your letter?

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Oh yeah. Sorry. I did. Sending yours off tomorrow. (= Not much written in it though! I will have to write a super duper long letter!

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lol, I just sent a card sorry. more next time. It was so hard to write, I mean we speak almost everyday.


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i want letters! Happy

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I WANNA PEN PAL!!! I live in the state of Illinois where we get snow! Does anyone else get snow!?

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snow cones are yummy....sorry being random again...**runs away**

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I'm loving writing and sending off these letters, I want to write more! if anyone else wants an Aussie penpal feel free to msg me Happy

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I wanna write more too!! I'm having way too much fun! Happy

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When my hubby gets activated I will have to give ya'll his address, and then you can write him or the other men in his unit. We can start a new thread for people who want to be Marine Pin Pals. (=

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Mmm SNOWCONES!!! I like snowcones....grrr sugar...why did you get me thinking of snow cones....i don't have a snowcone maker or anything...not even syrup for a snow cone :-P

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Ever had the snow cones stuffed with vanilla ice cream, and condenced milk on top? They are so freaking delishious, its like an orgasm in your mouth. A little too much info. But it is true!

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