BFF having surgery.. need get well/cheer up gift ideas!

My friend is set to have her gallbladder removed next week.. I would like to make her something for a get well gift, but am completely stuck on ideas Happy

Can you guys link me to thoughtful project ideas on here that I can whip up quickly? Preferably something thhat doesnt involve crocheting/knitting, as I am not adept at either. Sewing is fine, no food related things either... She is a photographer/photography fan. She is also into music and cute animals.

any help is appreciated! Thank you!!!

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4 replies since 20th March 2013 • Last reply 20th March 2013

You could try something like a plush toy thats filled with rice/wheat to make a heat pack. I've seen tutorials on here and will add a link in a sec. You could also make her something like an eye mask as hospitals are meant to be pretty tricky to sleep in. Or you could make her up a little survival kit with all the things she'll need to survive her hospital stay. I made my niece something similar when she went to her first music festival. I included things like hand sanitiser, ear plugs, eye mask, a little bit of make up, a small can of dry shampoo, etc.

EDIT: here's a link to some of the heat pack projects that have appeared here

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I made an eye mask filled with rice for when I was in the hospital after having my baby. I also filled it with dried rosemary, but you could do lavendar or essential oils to give it a scent.

Also, going to put out there that the best gift I got when I was in the hospital was a bunch of breath mints. When you're unable to or have a difficult time moving- brushing your teeth doesn't happen, so it's nice to have some breath mints in easy reach- maybe make a little box or jar containing some mints- I bet she'd really appreciate it.

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My mom was once in the hospital for surgery a few years ago, and she was left in the hospital for about a week to recover. I brought in spray-on shampoo and conditioner since she wasn't getting baths at the hospital. My dad and I also brought her popsicles because she could only get plain ice otherwise.

Slippers and comfortable socks and a nightgown were my mom's three favorite gifts I got her during her hospital stay.

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Great ideas all of you!! Thank you so much!

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