Posts by queenfairypants

    OMG what is that in your avatar Debbie I want oooone!

    I'm guilty of nearly all the programmes mentioned...I love watching Coronation Street even though it's annoying and I know what's gonna happen because they publish it in the telly mags anyway! I will sit and watch Eastenders now as well after watching the christmas episode but don't change plans just to watch it or anything lol

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    I always start them but I prefer hand writing stuff, I just started a proper diary my last few have all been more like sketchbooks because you read them back and it's just CRINGE, this one won't be any different in a few years time when I read it back, I did some embriodery of an owl to stick on the front Happy

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    myyyy-y-y-y-y teeeears dry on their oooown

    OH i found out the name of the band that sing the song in the opening credits of Damages, I don't really like Damages but I love that song they're called the VLA.

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    yeeey so am I, my mum got me her album for my birthday she's good like that cuz I mentioned that I wanted it anyway yeh I think she's cool just a shame someone with real talent is having a hard time even if it is drug related but she's so much stronger than say errr miss spears so go Amy!

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    I forgot to watch the new series. It will be repeated only the first episode anyway. When the adverts for the first series were about i thought it looked really good which is weird because it's like a soap for kids our age, dramatised versions of the truth and one of my mates was like 'I'm not watching that people getting drugged up and shaggin about wow really original' sort of thing but he loves it now, I thought it was alright. People I know at the moment aren't really like that but like to party but a group of friends I had 2 years ago were exactly like skins.

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    Went watching it on Sunday, pretty good, all filmed like a home video someone reminded me that blair witch was filmed like that but I didn't watch that. There was a sign that the film could cause an effect like motion sickness and because of that I was thinking about it so it was a bit like that at first but fine eventually. At first we both thought it was gonna be a godzilla rip off but it wasnt. So yeh it was good little bit gorey, if you go see it look out for little things...there is going to be a sequal.

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    you can cut EXACTO where you want to!

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    nope haven't bothered to put it up yet Happy

    I'll swap it for other things besides other graphic novels, it says on your profile that you're a vegan I'm a vegetarian so if you have any vegetarian cook books I'd be willing to swap it for one well I dunno just message me thaaanks

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    Lol has now become like a filler like 'mmm' and 'yeh' sometimes I go to actually say 'lol' and 'brb' !!!!!

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    aaaw cool, well maybe not if they're knocking it down!!! We still have loads of original tudor bits on buildings and I don't think they'd get rid of those, theres not much more to add now except for a woolworths.

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    college is like getting into Uni over there right? GOOD LUCK!!!

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    then 20 years later everyone goes 'wow that looks shit now' and it gets replaced by something else. I'm not originally from this town but have been here from 7 months old and it is a LOT different to what it was like when my mum and dad got here I think we got the first proper shopping centre the year we moved here and recently it got a whole new shopping centre, it's just like everywhere else now and even the 'alternatives' are just normal idiots in black.

    That seemed relavent!

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    yeh I've never had attention from guys like my friends did and once in college I just decided to tell this guy I liked him but I'd been so obvious anyway and oh god but yeh it turns out alright in the end, it happens when you least expect and all that but its true!

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    There aren't many places like that and it's a shame when its taken away for no reason apart from 'money'

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    Amy Winehouse did a gig i think it was playing into some awards thing in America cuz she couldn't get a visa and said about camden...I'm gonna go in Summer maaaaybe.

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