May 2010
Black & White Dance help 25th May 2010So, at school we're having a black & white dance and I want to make a dress out of an old lady dress. I dont have that dress yet and Im wondering if anyone has any suggestions of what it could look like. Im a bigger girl, so I need a shape that will flatter me. Also any other...4 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Help! Birthday present 22nd May 2010My cousins are celabrating there birthdays together on May 30th. They both are asking for money, but I want to give them something creative. For my niece I have painted a little drawer, but I can't find anything for my nephew. He is 25 years old and I hardly know what he likes...6 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
full slip pattern or tut 20th May 2010I am looking for a pattern(free) or tut on how to make full lenght slip dress of mid calf some thing light for the summers here in Hellazona0 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Charm pull pregnancy announcement 13th May 2010So I need some ideas! I wanted to announce my pregnancy to our friends by making a cake or cupcakes and doing a charm pull with baby theme charms inside. I need a design where I could incorporate ribbon so they will not guess. I thought about doing a frog because I like frogs...5 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
molds 11th May 2010I am looking for jewelry pendant molds and I live in Ontario, Canada. Any suggestions as to where I can order or get them from without having to pay an arm and a leg for shipping? THanks.0 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
money-making challenge over the summer... 9th May 2010i've challenged myself to make 100 in the time between finishing my gsce's in late june to starting college in mid-september... what kinds of ideas do you have to start me off?? if i make more than 100, i'm thinking of giving the rest to charity... any help gratefully...15 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
help painters? 6th May 2010i dont really paint and im painting with watercolors (my mom got the paint for me .) i painted on dominos without adding water (so much for watercolor) i wanted to know if any of you would help whats the best gloss to protect it from eh the elements. i made it for a bracelet...3 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Relay for Life 3rd May 2010hey guys. im just looking for suggestions. My aunt just passed away from breast cancer a few months back. This june will be our first relay for life without her, and its really pushing us to try and do even better than we have in the past because this year our team name is...2 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
homemade gift for someone interested in gardening? 2nd May 2010my mums boyfriends dad has recently had an operation and is really down, and I want to send him something to cheer him up. Ill make a homemade card, but does anyone have any ideas of what I could include? :34 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
April 2010
Ageing/Dirty Fabric? 30th April 2010Right you awesome crafty people, I need your help. I'm making a pirate outfit and following Jack Sparrow's costume. He has the white and red scarf/material around his waist. I've got the long bit of material and painted red stripes on but just realised I wanted to soak it in...8 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Citric Acid - Where can I get it? 29th April 2010Where is the easiest place to buy this stuff???? I have only ever been able to get it from ebay.. and that means waiting for it to arrive. Plus it isn't cheap on there. Has anybody got any tips?2 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Cinnamon Oil 27th April 2010I used to have a recipe for a type of massage oil that included steeping some cinnamon in oil & then straining it, but I don't remember quantities or even the type of oil recommended. If anyone has their own version of this, I would love to have a recipe. Oil, perfume, cream,...0 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Mome Raths for a garden! 26th April 2010I would like to make Mome Raths from Alice in wonderland to put in my garden. I have this tutorial but they would not be made to last in the outdoors. Any ideas for stuff to sub to make these mome raths to last outside??...3 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Craft DRill 26th April 2010Hello.. Looking for advice - i want to buy a craft drill for small plastic bits, buttopns and charms, metal discs etc. What is the best one, safe and easy to use and obtain drill its??1 reply · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Craft DRill 26th April 2010Hello.. Looking for advice - i want to buy a craft drill for small plastic bits, buttopns and charms, metal discs etc. What is the best one, safe and easy to use and obtain drill its??0 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
I'm stuck! 25th April 2010I just don't know what to make next. I want to do EVERYTHING at the same time! Could you help me decide? xD Click here...11 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Pokemon Themed Craft Ideas? 25th April 2010I want to make something Pokemon themed but I don't know what. Any ideas? Sites with ideas are also helpful3 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Project Tutorial Requests! 21st April 2010I have an idea :3 How about if anyone wants to know how to make a certain project, they can post it here on this thread? That way someone who knows how to do that project can see that someone wants to at tutorial on it and can post it up! Good idea? Bad idea?2 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
plastic water bottles 20th April 2010anybody have any good projects for reusing plastic water bottles??5 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
How do I get one of my projects featured? 19th April 2010I've been wondering for a while now how on Earth do you get one of your projects featured?!4 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Camp Swaps Ideas 13th April 2010Hello! I recently landed a job as a summer counselor and couldn't be more ecstatic! For our orientation process, we are having a swap, where we would give about 40 of the same little trinket to the other counselors. The camp is western themed, and I have one idea, but I'm just...0 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Your Zombie Tips...? 13th April 2010So I'm working on a project and I'm looking for your tips in the event of a zombie apocalypse. =P I've got lots so far, but more couldn't hurt. They can be short and simple, or a little more descriptive. You can also include your or others nifty quotes if you want. ^_^14 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
HELP! How Do I Enlarge A Pattern? 10th April 2010Hey! my friend has approached me and asked me to make her a dress for her birthday. wth excitement and fear, i accepted the challenge. we wen out and picked a pattern and got all the fabric and notions. BUT... shes too big for the largest size the pattern comes in. and i didnt...4 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Button down shirt refashion help 10th April 2010I was given a mens xxl black button down mechanics shirt. I'm in need of some ideas on how to make into something I can actually wear. The trouble is that there is a huge Rat Fink picture on the back that I don't want to cut through. Maybe I could just resize it, make a vest,...3 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
musty smell out of vintage books 7th April 2010please someone help me get this musty smell out of my vintage books. when i bought them at the thrift store i knew they smelled so i put them in a cardboard box hoping the cardboard would absorb the smell but they are still smelly! so any inexpensive ideas besides just letting...7 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
party! 4th April 2010well, for my 18th im doing fancy dress alice in wonderland party. i want to see how much of the decorations i can make myself to save money and just an excuse to go creative! also thought would be more unique. however, kinda stuck on ideas of what to make! the one thing so far...4 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
How to Knit???? 3rd April 2010Ok, so I've looked at every knitting tutorial there is, every diagram, everything. You name it. I COULD NOT knit if my life hung in the balance. I always screw it up (i.e. the yarn in the middle of the two needles is too slack, I can NEVER knit the last stitch because it...8 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Ideas for healing a little persons grief? 1st April 2010My neices' best friends younger sister died very suddenly last Sunday. She was only 8 and absolutely adorable and was the flower girl a few months back at my sisters wedding
Obviously everyone is in pieces. My neice has really taken it hard. She is 12 and has been so mature...
8 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago -
Easter Eggs With no Food Coloring or Color Tablets? 1st April 2010So, I wasn't able to really get to the store before Passover started, and now that I have, I can't buy food coloring, because it's Passover, and certain things aren't sold during Passover. The thing is this: I'm not Jewish; I'm Christian. I'm going to celebrate Easter. I want...7 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago
Making Gift For A Teenage Boy 1st April 2010Ok, so next month my besfriend Ben is having his 15th birthday, and although we're very close I'm at a lack of ideas for making him a present. At first, I wanted to make him a wallet, but he bought one in brighton last time we went that he still absolutely loves. Then I wanted...7 replies · Last reply almost 15 years ago