Button down shirt refashion help

I was given a mens xxl black button down mechanics shirt. I'm in need of some ideas on how to make into something I can actually wear. The trouble is that there is a huge Rat Fink picture on the back that I don't want to cut through. Maybe I could just resize it, make a vest, a dress? I was hoping to make this into something awesome. Any help would be great and I could post pics of it if that would help too. Ty Happy

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3 replies since 10th April 2010 • Last reply 10th April 2010

With all that fabric :-
You could take the centre front out completely and maybe put a chunky zip in. Put some darts in under the bust to shape it and take it in a bit down the side seams.
Maybe add a split at the side seams so you can wear it long.
You could make it more fitted and add a zip down a side seam if you wanted to put a design down the front.
You could take the top of the collar off, keeping the base so it's like a dog collar.
You could totally remove the collar. Take out the button front, reshape the neckline to a V. Remove sleeves to make a tank top
You could make it into a long waistcoat

That's all I can think of at the moment Happy

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Hi! I love love love refashioning! Have you ever heard of threadbangers? They've done a few tutorials on mens button downs... Here's a link to a few!

Also, i know you want to keep the back design, so you could cut off the arms and make it into a cute dress, sorta/kinda/almost/maybe like this dress, but without the bottom part if you don't need it!

I feel like i'm totally stealing all of their ideas, but i'd like to think of it as sharing! I hope this helps! It will probably be a sick refashion =] goodluck!!!

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Sheila, What great ideas! I love the idea of a big chunky zipper or maybe the waistcoat.

Audry, I love that second dress. I had forgot all about threadbangers, they do some really cool stuff. I think I might have to give it a go.

That got the gears turning in my head now, thank you Ladies!

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