Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    I really wanted to see that film, I heard it was great! It's true that it's going to be harder for her to get other roles now but I don't think he should bitch about her getting the part just because she's large - how often do larger actresses actually get that opportunity? It's got to be so much harder to get by in Hollywood if you're big, so I say fair play to her!

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    Okay cool, I'll hopefully be down sometime in June =)

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    Bleh I'm sorry Violetta, that's so shitty =(

    Heather, it is horrible when people don't treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

    I actually have vaguely good news for once - I talked to my mum about the surgery thing today and she's agreed to help me to try and sort something out, so hopefully I'll get something done privately in Bristol over the summer!

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    I don't think Rammstein are really about acting responsibly =P to be fair, the song is called "Pussy" and it's an entire song about sex, I'm not totally sure they could have done much else with it. I actually thought it was the logical step from their Mann Gegen Mann video. I was listening to Rammstein since I was eleven (looking up the lyrics and everything) and it hasn't affected me badly. I just have a better sense of humour because of it.

    For me, as long as the band respects their fans, which Rammstein do totally, I don't care what they do. They produce great music, they never cancel gigs and get about as much as they can, they've been going for like fifteen years now...I don't mind them having creative license over their own videos haha. Besides, it WAS hosted on a porn site.

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    It's just Cat (who is Crafterella) and her fiancée Tom. All the original projects were Cat's and she does a lot, with Tom's help with website programming and that. Unless I'm severely mistaken!

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    Oh well then I'd be happy to take it off your hands if no one else wants it ;)

    Just need to work out a way to get it =P I could send one of my London minions to get it from you? Or I could come down myself in a couple of weeks? Depends how fast you want rid.

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    No, clearly Sheldon! I would marry him. And think he should be the next Riddler.

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    How much are you wanting for it?

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    I'm addicted to it and madly in love with Sheldon <3

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    Hey, I'm having problems with the Projects - sometimes the picture is low down and to the right, so it ends up covering half of the description. I know you're working on stuff right now, just thought I'd let you know and see if anyone else has this problem!

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    Hey, I'm having problems with the Projects - sometimes the picture is low down and to the right, so it ends up covering half of the description. I know you're working on stuff right now, just thought I'd let you know and see if anyone else has this problem!

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    Bear in mind that blue washes out really quickly. I do think the bright red would suit you =)

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    I got turned down funding for my breast augmentation. I feel like shit, I just want to cry. I was really counting on this and I was told it wouldn't be a problem. Not sure what to do now - I'm going to try in Bristol but wondering whether to ask my parents if they would pay for it. It's just whether they want to fork out £4000, especially when my dad's going in for surgery soon and then retiring, and they probably won't get why it's such a big deal. God, I can't wait like another few years, and there's no way I'll be able to afford it for at least four years...

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    Can someone give me some ideas? I think I want to cut my hair for the summer (I actually want to grow my hair long again but I might do that after,) and I need some nice ideas. I want something kind of alternative. At the moment I have shoulder-length layered hair with a side fringe. Was thinking about a straight fringe, rockabilly style, but not sure it would suit me. I like it when there's the straight fringe which curves down into the bits at the sides but no idea really.

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    This is my first year voting and I'm pretty sure I'm going Lib Dem. I wouldn't mind Labour or Lib Dems, just not Conservatives! But it looks like Lib Dems have a chance so I'm backing them.

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