Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Hermann does many annoying things.

    He's decided that when the heating comes on in the morning, it's breakfast time, and will bat at my face for hours.
    He's obsessed with the rubber ring seal in our coffee grinder - if it's actually possible to get it, he will find a way, and then make a racket playing with it.
    You can't leave him alone in a room with a bag of Dreamies without him tearing the entire thing apart.
    Last night he stood on my chest for ages (ouch).

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    Hi all! I wanted to take a minute to tell you about my 2017 project, for which I'd like to get lots of people involved!

    The deal is, over the year I'll produce 50 pieces of art about my cat (my fella got me a drawing pad for Christmas, this is my motivation to practice). One a week, with two weeks to spare in case things go wrong.

    I'd like to get as many people involved as possible. It doesn't have to be your cat, and it doesn't have to be a drawing - it can be whatever you like. Quantity, not quality!

    Check out my blog post about the topic at or find the Instagram account @fifty.shades.of.feline and tag any work with #fiftyshadesoffeline


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    I'd love some opinions please peeps!

    I want to make a secret stash in a globe for my fella. So far I've been planning on buying a normal globe, taking it off the axis and sawing it in half so that it'll open when you take it off the axis.

    But now I've found a globe-shaped ice bucket on ebay - it already opens, of course, and I could make something to sit in the bottom of it and then cover it with something else. Here it is if you need a visual idea:

    This would be a lot easier than the plan I had, and I've also been concerned that I wouldn't be able to remove a globe from an axis if it was metal or plastic, but I don't know if it'd look nicer to do it the proper way!

    Any advice?

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    How about paper crafts? They're usually easy to pick up, you can just use your unhelpful arm as leverage?

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    Hi all!

    A good friend of mine is trying to get a replacement blanket for her daughter. She's autistic, so it's important that the blanket feels and looks the same, she just needs a bigger size. I've tried looking for this fabric in local shops or online but to no avail - was hoping someone might have seen it!

    It's definitely some kind of fleece, not sure if it's polar or micro though

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    I know what swaddling is! ...I think Tongue

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    Hi guys hope this was the right place to post about this.

    A company I do some work with is running a giveaway for neon clocks at the moment. They usualy cost £84.50 but if you design one and win in the voting system on Facebook you'll get it for free - delivery included!

    You can upload an image, add some text, then choose the style of your clock face, the neon ring around it and the metal rim. I made one of my cat =P and another Discworld-themed one. I thought it would be cool to see some with pieces of art from Cut Out + Keep!

    It's worth trying, and you might get one free!

    Design your clock here -
    And enter it on the Facebook here - http//

    Good luck everybody! Origami

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    Hi guys hope this was the right place to post about this.

    A company I do some work with is running a giveaway for neon clocks at the moment. They usualy cost £84.50 but if you design one and win in the voting system on Facebook you'll get it for free - delivery included!

    You can upload an image, add some text, then choose the style of your clock face, the neon ring around it and the metal rim. I made one of my cat =P and another Discworld-themed one.

    It's worth trying, and you might get one free!

    Design your clock here -
    And enter it on the Facebook here - http//

    Good luck everybody! Love

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    Yeah I find it annoying but I usually figure that they're just wasting their own time cause they aren't gonna win!

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    My friend went to Central St Martins, lots of big artists and fashion designers go through there, and I know when she was there she was with a lot of international students. It's quite expensive living in London though! Is it Fine Art you want to do?

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    Hi guys, been a while since I've been on here!

    I've been wanting a dressform for ages and my partner finally said he'd buy me one, but none of the conventional ones seem to go in my size. I'm 106cm bust and hips and 68cm in the waist - even adjustable dressforms don't tend to have this kind of disparity. Can anyone help?

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    Hi there guys!

    I'm editing the next issue of Snippets, coming out some time in March, and the topic is Fandom.

    If there's anything you're a big fan of, have a think about whether you could write an interesting article - we want you to share your love of movies, books, events, anything you like really!

    I'd also really like to get some fan fiction for the episode, and I know there are many talented writers on these boards so if you think you'd like to submit something please get in touch. Go a bit nuts with your ideas, as long as it isn't rude of course.

    Email your ideas to and we can have a talk about getting you involved! Don't be put off if you haven't submitted anything for Snippets before, as long as you're passionate about your subject that's fine.

    Thanks guys!

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    It's not a photo but this video makes me squee and laugh all at the same time:

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    Haha I haven't been on here in ages but saw you'd posted a new thread - welcome back and congratulations! When are you due?

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    Tell me about it =S it's just not right, is it? Your best friends are meant to always have your back, but they're actually creating problems where there are none.

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