Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Ramona Flowers =P although more like she is in the comic book. I have the goggles already, need to make the bag. Just wear regular clothes and make a biiig hammer.

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    I normally wear my huge biker boots with flowery dresses, cause I really like the contrast. But they kinda go with anything, to be honest. Skinny jeans tucked into them look good, short skirts, dresses...shorts look awesome too. Get some nice patterned tights to go with them =)

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    Thanks guys, I'm glad I'm not just being irrational...they're making it sound like I'm being really unhelpful in not doing it, but it's very easy for them to say that when they're not risking their own money.

    I've been talking it over with my dad, and we think that the easiest option is definitely to do one bill each, and Andy would do one instead of Jake (I've already asked him and he's fine with that). We're gonna talk about it at the house tomorrow but my dad's said that if everyone's still being awkward about it, he'll set up an account, sort out all the bills and we'll pay him so much every month. Because it'll be a set amount every month, we may well end up paying more than is necessary, and my dad will keep the extra as his fee for doing it. I don't want to pay more than I have to, but if everyone's being annoying and that's the only way to stop an argument, we may have to go for it.

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    Oh it's not my boyfriend PinkWeeds, it's my friend's boyfriend who's being a pain. And the whole being rubbish with money thing isn't exactly inspiring for the rest of us.

    I looked at the contract and being lead tennant means nothing except I'm the first person to call if they need to contact us. Nothing is my responsibility. But I don't mind organising stuff - hell, I'm gonna end up organising what companies we go with and who does what anyway. I'm not trying to pass on responsibility, I'm just trying to share it out. And a little sick of always having to be the adult.

    And that's the problem, that I would have to pay myself if one of them doesn't. I don't have the money to do that, I'm just a student too. They can say they'll definitely pay but if say, Lizzie gets annoyed with me and decides not to give me the money that month, I'm fucked.

    I thought about the joint account thing, and may do that. The only other thing we might be able to do, is if the only problem with us doing one bill each is that Jake's refusing to take one, the other four of us do. The deal is that technically four of us are on the contract, but my boyfriend will be living there off-contract. So we could just do it so that the four of us do it and Jake just pays us. I'd rather not do that, cause me and Andy haven't even been together a year and we don't know if this moving in thing is going to work, and if he leaves then I'll have to take over managing his bill...but unless someone else steps forward and decides they want to run the one account it all comes out of, I don't know what else we can do.

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    Grr! I'm moving into my new house on Monday with my friends and my boyfriend. They've all been there for two weeks but because I had my surgery I had to delay coming up.

    So now they're pestering me to sort out everything. They haven't sorted the internet, or a TV license, or bills. And now they've decided that the best way to do bills is all pay into one bank account which pays the bills - and I agree, that would be easiest. If it wasn't MY account they want to use.

    I know I signed as lead tennant but that means nothing. They're assuming that means I have to sort out all the bills and everything, which just isn't fair, we should share the responsibility for stuff like that.

    So I just suggested that we all take one bill (gas, electricity, water or internet) and we're all in charge of that one thing. We set it up, and we collect the money for it, and that way we have mutual respect. But Jake keeps insisting that he's rubbish with money so he doesn't want to do that.

    What they don't seem to get is that if I make a bank account and they pay me each time bills come round, if one of them doesn't pay me, it's MY problem. And I really don't need stress like that - and Jake telling me he's no good with money doesn't exactly inspire me with confidence.

    I can just see it blowing up into this huge argument. I've already had Lizzie shouting down the phone at me that I'm the lead tennant, I should sort it, but that's just so not fair. If anyone should take that responsibility it should be one of the non-students. I do NOT need to be chasing people up for money when I have a deadline, especially not with my depression and panic issues.

    Can anyone think of a good solution? If not I'm happy to just rant, cause this is really bothering me, I didn't sleep because of it. And it really bothers me that they're together and just trying to pass it off onto me and I can't do anything because I'm here. Like they're ganging up on me =(

    This is what I get for trying to help people.

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    I feel like my meds aren't working again. The last couple of days I've felt so low. It might be that the pain meds I'm on are intefering, I don't know. And all I want right now is to talk to and see my friend Ben, the one who was horrible at Sonisphere, but now he's not talking to me for some reason.

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    Haha Pandora, someone showed me that bit in Resident Evil and I'm sure it is terrifying in game, but out of it, it looks so crap =P

    Silent Hill 2 absolutely terrified me. And I agree with Dead Space!

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    Haha that sounds about right!

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    This is only temporary...I'm taking a lot of painkillers and things while recovering from surgery. The Citalopram is from before that. Yeah it's hard to explain to people that you're not lazy. My mum keeps pestering me to pack fr uni, and I keep trying to tell her that I need to do it in my own time, a little bit now and then.

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    Haha Sheila, I'm on amytriptiline and tramadol at the moment, as well as citalopram and ibuprofen, so I'm pretty much constantly exhausted. It's frustrating, I normally like to be doing stuff but I'm just lying on the sofa all day!

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    Hells yeah to True Blood =D I've been watching Weeds in hospital, and reading my new Batwoman comic. Actually feel a lot better today, now I've woken up more, although I'm dreading having my drains out.
    But thanks DarkAshHurts =)

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    Had my breast augmentation yesterday =) lots of pain today. Actually this isn't much of a rant but I ranted here about the lead up to it. Anyway, if anyone wants to read about it, it's on my blog. Sorry, not very with it today - morphine and constantly being woken up for my blood pressure don't make me happy haha. Well that's a lie, morphine made me very happy =P

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    Depends what look you're going for. Longer at the sides is more of a David Beckham, metrosexual kinda look, which does really suit some men. Shaved sides is the tough, punk look. You've got to decide what goes more with your style. And remember you can always wear your mohawk down and to one side to make your face seem less long and thin =)

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    That kind of thing is so hard to make stick though, police just aren't interested. And no one saw what happened - he could say that I lead him on and I'd asked him to do it or something. I found out that my friend Nick brought him, and he'd told Nick he was gay...I don't know if he was, he might be. He definitely hated women but that doesn't mean anything either way. Apparently he was going round all night telling people that he was crazy though. But obviously no one thought he was serious, just thought he was drunk and being silly.

    I think the best thing to do is just forget about it. And maybe take some self-defence classes.

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    Bleh I hate that this is always me, but I need somewhere to explain this.

    I was at a house party last night with all my friends and there was this guy who I didn't know, and I don't know how he knows any of them, but he obviously does. We were chatting, then he said he was going out for a cigarette so I went with him to nab a bit. Out the front of the house there's a little gated bit which was locked, so we were stood in this tiny little area. He suddenly pushed me up against the gate and started groping me, and I didn't really know what was going on cause I was drunk, but I tried to get back in and he shut the door, and it would only open again from the inside. Then he just ripped my top off (I mean literally ripped, it's in pieces now) and was pushing me into the railings and that. I pushed him off and put on the other top that I had in my bag while banging on the door for someone to let me in, but no one came and the minute I had the new top on he ripped that as well, and threw me over on the bins. My friend opened the door then and he just walked in like nothing had happened, and she helped me in, crying and topless, and gave me some beer and a jumper to wear and that, and I just couldn't stop crying all night, and then I ended up having to sleep in the same room as him.

    It's just horrible...I've been raped twice but I was mostly unconscious for both of those. This is the first time I've really experienced anything like this, and it's terrifying. He was just saying all this nasty stuff as well, like I deserved it and I was just a slut and he could do what he wanted with me. I'm so freaked out now, I can't stop thinking about it and it just makes me feel sick every time. Nothing like this has happened to me in a long time, and I was just getting better with the help of medication, but now I feel like I'm back to square one.

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