Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Well the camera's not working =( so I'll just decribe my mother's present and you'll have to believe it's pretty.

    I got a couple of Thai Spa sets from Superdrug, which combined gave me a bath soak, massage oil, body mask, body lotion, an exfoliator thing, three little flower candles and one big coconut candle (in a coconut shell!) I also bought a gel eye mask and some truffles which I opened and wrapped up in pretty food wrap with butterflies on in groups of three. I arranged it all really prettily in a basket which has a white lining with pink roses on, kinda Kath Kidston-ish. It looks soso pretty but cause I've gotta put it under the tree I'm gonna cover the main basket bit with brown parcel paper and tie a red ribbon on the handle =)

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    Yay I'm so excited =)

    Does anyone object to nudity on their cards?

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    I dunno, I'm pretty good at reading lots of Anne Rice =P I've read every book except one that she's written under the name Anne Rice, and one as A.N. Roquelare. That comes to something stupid like sixteen books lol

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    Same problem with me haha!

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    "same right back at ya"

    Mrrrow ;)

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    Bret Easton Ellis is fab but I read all of his books in succession and though they're all incredible, they're all more-or-less about the same thing, y'know? And it was fairly predictable towards the end, like "Okay those rich people are going to have sex and take drugs and someone will get pregnantn and someone will die and then it'll get all fucked up and people will start raping other people and finding dead bodies"

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    Every Dresden Dolls video EVER! But Backstabber is the best =)

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    Hate Kate Nash *glares*

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    Duke Special is a lovely man with ginger dreads who wears too much eyeliner and sings beautiful songs in an Irish accent. I have no idea who/what Duke Spirit is!

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    Tonight I'm going to wrap my mum's present (the wrapping will be the creative bit - I'll take pictures) and make my friend's shirt. Her nickname is Squirrel so I've got an image of the squirrel in the Bestest Friend episode of Invader Zim and have made a stencil from it! Will post the end result at some point too =)

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    Thankyou darling =)

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    Oh wow thankyou lovely!

    What does BO mean though?

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    You are a bit sexy, actually!

    This is me being a rockstar:

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    There's this pretty cool thing I got taught in psychology.
    You lie flat on your back and slowly tense the muscles in your toes. Then you tense the muscles in all of your feet. Then your lower legs and feet. You move on like that till you can tense your entire body, but you have to really focus on what you're doing. It really helps wake you up =)

    Although I always forget and hit the snooze button haha

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    I'm going to see Duke Special next Monday =D

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