Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    I bought this on ebay and got it through today and have already watched it all. Has anyone else seen it?

    I read the book a while ago and was pretty curious about how they could make it into a film, but it worked really well. I just couldn't stop crying though! I think it's the saddest film I've ever seen. When I said this to my mum, she was like "Isn't it just all about sex and drugs?" Yeah, it is, but it's also about the problems that come from them.

    The first scene especially was just heartbreaking. I mean, if I say what it was then it'll just sound grotesque, and it was. But I just felt so so sorry for the character.

    It was a great film though, and I reccomend it to anyone who likes sick films (yay!)

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    Mmm goth clothes are so pretty but they don't look quite right on me. I dye my hair black because I'm pale and blonde hair looked stupid, I wear a bit of black eyeliner because I think my eyes are too small and I want them to be more noticeable, and I often wear black just because it's a slimming colour. But I can easily go to college one day in a Rammstein tshirt and black jeans and then go in with blue jeans with patches and a flowy hippy dress the next day. What's the fun in putting yourself in a box?

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    Opposites, do you ever get people that think you're a goth just cause you dye your hair black or wear eyeliner? I get it all the time and it's so silly

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    That last line was the funniest thing I've read in AGES.

    That's so beautiful =)

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    =O that sounds like a fun board...

    I think it just looks weird cause we're the only ones on

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    I know, but my webcam's rubbishy. Well I'll let you be if you find me someone else with green eyes. I'm determined that my children have green eyes like me, and I'm not letting some silly blue-eyed man mess that up!

    Well here's a lot less glamorous image of me at Download:

    But that was before I got my hair cut pretty like so!:

    With funny squinty eyes again

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    Well then I have to have children with you

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    To be fair, Greg B is a bit of a sexy hunk of man flesh. Do you have green eyes?

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    Freewheel is one of my favourite songs =) I also love Salvation Tambourine and Slip Of A Girl <3

    Come to Bristol and see him! It's not that far...*shifty eyes*

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    I'm making earrings =D I'm so excited, I can now change my earrings so I bought a pair of sterling silver earring hooks and made one with a key and one with a monopoly house, but I figure rather than making lots of earrings I'll just keep changing the charms =P

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    Okay what I'll do is anyone only send nudie Yule cards to people who have actually said it's okay, rather than just everyone who doesn't say no

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    Shivi I don't have a problem with people liking Christmas at all! I wish I could, but I don't.

    My main thing is that I just don't like that I'm deemed this horrible person for not liking it.

    Last Christmas was really hard for me. My dad asked for an air rifle gun, which although it isn't a real gun I still really didn't want him to have, and neither did my mum. He basically said that if my mum didn't get it for him then he'd just get it for himself and be angry at her. He watched us cry over it and just didn't care. Knowing the way I felt, on Christmas Day he kept waving it around and pointing it at people. It got to the point where I just left the room whenenver he made a move to it. I've had a lot of problems with my dad about that gun which have lead to me losing all faith in him. So I guess I still associate Christmas with that. However, I'm getting a bit ranty now. Save it for the blog!

    I think if I could spend it with someone I loved, it would be okay. My friend's coming round though to give me an early Yule which should be nice =)

    And Eien, I hate working around Christmas too! I work in a clothes store so people are all trying to get outfits for things or rooting round the sale or buying things for other people and it's just horrible

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    Maybe it's just me, but I HATE Christmas. I mean, I just can't stand it. I have to be in town every day as I work there and have to go through to get to college, and I just hate Christmas shopping. It's the time of the year when people are most rude and selfish. People push and fight to get a present just so that they'll get one back. I always walk past people saying "Oh I'll give it to her early so she knows to give me one back". It's horrible and mean.
    I don't like the cold because I'm anaemic and there's no way to escape it ever! And it doesn't snow, it just slushes or hails and that's horrible and ugly. I don't like not being able to wear what I want because of the weather - I have a beautiful summer dress which looks silly now.
    I don't like the songs and I don't like that they're forced on me. If I hear a song played in a shop, I will leave it. And guess what? They're gonna put some on the music system at my work. Hooray. There's even talk of us wearing Christmas hats, but I'm going to refuse if they do that.
    I hate that it's a holiday where people pretend to be nice to each other. It's like it doesn't matter that you're a bastard for 364 days of the year, as long as you buy someone a nice pressie from the Boots 3for2 sale, you're a saint. Why can't we appreciate people all year round? Why do presents have to be for Christmas? And why, for that matter, are people so against the idea of buying anything for yourself in December. Maybe you just want it.
    I'm not looking forward to Christmas day as I have to go round my aunt's house. My aunt hates me, always criticises me for dying my hair and for being vegetarian. She makes me cook my own food cause it's too difficult, and I end up not eating anything cause she's cooked it all in meat fat. Oh and I hate roast dinners anyway, especially gravy. I don't like being criticised by someone I never see and being yelled at cause I'm not smiling (even though I am).
    And as a Pagan, I have a lot of arguments with people this time of year. Whenever someone claims that Christmas is losing its original meaning, or it's not about Christianity anymore, I just HAVE to point out that it wasn't about Christianity in the first place.

    What I just hate about it is that it's forced down your throat and if you don't like it, you're horrible. Is it so wrong that I appreciate my loved ones every day? Or that I don't like stupid songs, or cheap bits of sparkly plastic? Why do I HAVE to feel happy and pretend to like people I don't, when all that's doing is betraying who I am?

    Does anyone else feel that way or am I just evil and nasty?

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    She's so annoying! Fake cockneys irritate me. Especially ones who sing about their body parts. Good for you love.

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    Mmmm it's beautiful <3

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