Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Ah right, I picked the 2-4 week option cause I am a cheapy thing

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    How long did it take to get yours?

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    I'm...maybe not mad, but sad. I could deal with feeling like a cheap prostitute, but I seem to have been downgraded to blow-up doll.

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    Isn't it cute? ^^

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    Okay I've ordered a Hello Kitty bento box, some Hello Kitty mayonnaise cups, some plain sauce bottles, and a "wiener shaper" in crab shape from and with p&p it cost me £13 =) I'm pretty happy with that! Just gotta wait ages now..

    And on a slightly related topic, I bought this on ebay:

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    Yay supergood =)

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    Hmm well I'm considering buying this one from JapanCentre
    It's not the most exciting thing ever but it's cheap and looks handy. Until then I can use my Hello Kitty lunchbox.

    Tomorrow I'm gonna go to the Oriental supermarket in town to get some nice things. I almost wish it was more commerical, in a way, cause it doesn't sell bento boxes or moulds or anything, it's just food and rolling mats and things, but I'll go and get some nice ingredients. I need to try and lose weight and I think this'll be a good way - when I buy my lunch at college, I tend to buy like a cheese panini which isn't healthy anyway, then fill up on chocolate and flapjacks. Whereas Oriental food fills me up nicely and just looks SO cool to eat. And *hopefully* I'll save some money!

    I like cause it's the "Lazy girl's guide to Bento" and gives you tips on how to make it out of leftovers =)

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    Wow that looks great =)

    All I do is customise clothes. I have a habit of sewing "Nny" in big letters on stuff. I bought a plain black dress for £3 recently, sewed Nny in big felt letters along the bottom and put a felt heart on the front. Next thing to do is customise a jumper I bought - it's kinda pale blue so not my normal kinda thing, but I'm gonna sew some cupcake buttons on it and ribbon and my name. I also might cut the bottom off - it's one of those long ones with the ribbing below your bum, which looks great on skinny girls but I'm curvy so it just makes me look big

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    That is weird.

    I know I grind my teeth in my sleep if I'm really upset. I watched Trainspotting the other night and the bit with the dead baby really upset me (not even the worse bit, I turned it off before it starts crawling on the ceiling). Just the sight of this rotting dead baby in a cot upset me so much I was grinding my teeth all night. I also cry in my sleep sometimes, which is a bit weird. I used to date this guy from Liverpool, and he was gonna come visit me for a week and the night before I had this nightmare that the train crashed and I never got to see him again and it was my fault that he died. I woke up crying and had to smother a scream, it was not so nice

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    Hirst's stuff really freaks me out, and yet fascinates me. But the animals cut in half make me feel physically sick.

    I constantly have dreams where I'm being chased, except they're not necessarily just running. There's this one which is like Halloween 4 (I think), where I'm going round this house trying to hide from someone and I keep seeing them. And one of my earliest dreams I remember is being chased down the stairs by a werewolf, and I'm flying but I can't go fast enough and the door's locked so I can't get away

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    That first dream is...I don't even have a word to describe how horrified I am by that thought.

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    I wanna do both *dances*

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    Nono the Cut Out And Keep one would be good, I just felt like I was talking too much!

    I'd like to do whichever one, really =) but we HAVE to do a Valentine's one or I'll cry

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    Yeaah that's the one =) I love that near the end there's a picture of her naked. Covered up obviously, but she's just this like batty, ginger old woman. She's fab

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    That's really horrible.

    I had this dream where I was watching TV and it was one of those jokey news reports where the presenters aren't taking it seriously, and they were like "A WITCH has been found in *insert place here*. Let's go to Kate with the story!" and there's this woman interviewing another woman, but all you can see is her face and she's telling the camera that she was going into the pub when an old woman stopped her and asked for directions. The woman is really tearful and says that she ignored the old woman. Then there was this funny flashback thing and you see this old woman, - and no kidding, this was in my dream - and she says
    "Listen to me and hear my charms
    And I shall give you donkey's arms!"
    And the camera pans out and the woman who's been talking HAS DONKEY'S ARMS! And it's like the scariest thing ever because they're all clay-mation looking and she can't move them all that well, and she wants to pick up her beer and she can't!

    I know it's funny and in the morning I laughed but at the time, it was the most horrible thing I had ever experienced and I didn't sleep all night!

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