I'd love some opinions please peeps!
I want to make a secret stash in a globe for my fella. So far I've been planning on buying a normal globe, taking it off the axis and sawing it in half so that it'll open when you take it off the axis.
But now I've found a globe-shaped ice bucket on ebay - it already opens, of course, and I could make something to sit in the bottom of it and then cover it with something else. Here it is if you need a visual idea: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191972133096?ul_noapp=true
This would be a lot easier than the plan I had, and I've also been concerned that I wouldn't be able to remove a globe from an axis if it was metal or plastic, but I don't know if it'd look nicer to do it the proper way!
Any advice?
Posts by Knittin' Kitten
Hi guys hope this was the right place to post about this.
A company I do some work with is running a giveaway for neon clocks at the moment. They usualy cost £84.50 but if you design one and win in the voting system on Facebook you'll get it for free - delivery included!
You can upload an image, add some text, then choose the style of your clock face, the neon ring around it and the metal rim. I made one of my cat =P and another Discworld-themed one.
It's worth trying, and you might get one free!
Design your clock here - http://www.iconneon.com/product/custom-neon-clock
And enter it on the Facebook here - http//www.facebook.com/iconneon
Good luck everybody!
I went vegetarian for a few different reasons, and I'm very happy with how I am. I don't feel right eating animals - if someone else wants to then that's up to them, but I don't like the idea of it. And it's for the health side. I dunno, I'm just in it now and don't see any point in changing.
The only advice I can say is try not to drive yourself crazy over it...if you fancy eating some meat then give it a go and see. From my experience, lapsed vegetarians go crazy for meat when they allow themselves to eat it. Last time I tried to eat meat, I threw up and it was black. Put me off it. Like PinkWeeds said, just be careful getting back into it if you decide to.
But I mean, you could always be a vegetarian most of the time but then let yourself have the occasional bit of meat or fish? I used to think in black and white terms about it but now I think that you can still have those morals and occasionally just admit that you're human.
Okay cool, I'll hopefully be down sometime in June =)
Oh well then I'd be happy to take it off your hands if no one else wants it ;)
Just need to work out a way to get it =P I could send one of my London minions to get it from you? Or I could come down myself in a couple of weeks? Depends how fast you want rid.
How much are you wanting for it?
I've put on weight since I've been home for a few weeks and not having to buy food. Also, my brother is a snack fiend so there HAS to be snacks in the house or he gets annoyed...and of course, if it's there, I'll eat it. It's worse cause I stay up late downstairs watching TV. I went to the clinic last Thursday and I'm at 73..I don't know what, pounds, kilos? Anyway, a little overweight, my BMI is 26 when it shouldn't be over 25 so it's not dangerous but still. I'm eating a lot of salads with protein while I'm back, so like a salad with boiled egg in, or quorn sausages or something, cause I know I need it. Unfortunately when I go back to York it's bound to be back to just loads of carbs all the time =( pasta, noodles, sammiches etc. I hate it. Although I've decided I'm gonna try to eat one decent meal a week - so like cook a lasagne or something. I might try and cook for me and Andy once a week, it's more incentive if he can give me a little bit of money and I'm doing it for someone else. I also want to get back into boxing when I go back to uni and might even pick up jogging, if I can bear it - festivals aren't far away now and I need to be nice and thin!
Sent off for my free box! I'll have to remember to cancel it though after, don't have the money to keep it up haha
Might have to nab that code, thankyou KitKat =)
Ouch Tracy, that's not something a poor student like me could do =(
I've started taking multivitamin + iron tablets and feeling a lot more energetic these days =) my anemia was really getting in the way of stuff. But now I'm feeling a lot better and looking forward to boxing tonight!
That's Sainsburys Basics for you haha
Yeah me too. Luckily I have a jar of chocolate spread in my cupboard, so that stops my chocolate craving a bit. I'm pleased with myself - I went shopping yesterday and for £4.24 managed to buy a big pack of pasta, some pasta sauce which will last me at least four servings, six eggs, some cream cheese, a big pack of digestives, three packs of instant noodles, and a tin of spaghetti. That'll get me through the week easily =)
Yeah I really wanted it to work, that's why I stuck with it so long. And I'd say to anyone to try them - they save you a lot of money and they're surprisingly a lot less messy than towels. I thought they'd be more but they're not. And of course, they're great for the environment. My body's probably just stupid - wouldn't be the first time haha!
I'm the same Violetta - I have no money right now so I'm surviving on what's in my cupboard. Which is a can of beans, some pasta, three packs of instant noodles, some bread and two eggs (obviously the eggs are in the fridge haha). But I've just come on my period so I'm STARVING. I ate some pasta at about 12:30 and a piece of bread with chocolate spread on at about 3:15, and it's 5:25 now and my stomach's rumbling. I'm gonna wait till 6 then have some beans on toast, which will hopefully take me through the night. I'm seeing how long I can last on the small amount of food I have.
And all I want is to go down to Keystones and get a delicious veggie burger with chips and a beer cause it's only £4 but I can't =(