Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    That sucks Violetta, hopefully you'll get everything in time!

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    Oh well obviously it's to do with looks as well =P my main grievance is that she's prettier than me so it was the only thing I had. It's obviously other stuff haha. You'll probably see it more when you go to clubs, if you don't now, because then it's more like people trying to find other people. And in my experience, dying your hair is like wearing a big neon sign saying "Talk to me!" (which I hate sometimes, but mostly I like meeting new people.)

    What colour you thinking? I've had so many colours now.

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    Okay, well that's obviously a simplification of what I'm saying, but yes. It's something that makes you different from everyone else. Me and Lauren went out one time and we went to a goth club and then on to just a normal club. She was wearing this nice Primark colourful dress and just has plain black hair. I went wearing a Rammstein dress and had blue hair and a nose piercing. In the goth club, she got hit on - in the normal club, it was all me. It's nothing to do with the persona, it's just a case of standing out. And yeah, I dunno, maybe seeming interesting or a bit quirky excites people. Although being hit on in clubs is hideous anyway.

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    Mhmm, but if someone steals it it stops being who you are. I was trying to explain it to Andy (he did NOT get it) that she's just like me, but the better version of me because she can afford it. I don't mind sharing stuff with her - at first I was really excited that I'd inspired her to get a tattoo, but now it's like every time I talk about my next tattoo she goes on about how hers is gonna be bigger and she's getting it first. And I'm recognising self-destructive trends in her that I have in myself and I wish for HER sake that she wasn't adopting those.

    She wants meet to teach her crafts soon but I really don't want to. She's been listening to all the same music as me and looking up Wiki entries of everything so she can know more than me about the bands, just because I only care about the music. And now she's coming to the same festivals as me, and those are the one time of the year where I don't have to worry about anything, I just sit back in the sun with a beer and a cigarette and I forget about the fact that I have responsibilities. But she gets so wasted all the time so I'm gonna spend the whole weekend looking after her and stopping her from sleeping with random guys and worrying about her, like I ALWAYS do. And you know she'll buy all the merchandise and take a million pictures and just not shut up about HER time at the festivals.

    It's just really getting me down. I don't know who I am any more. I have enough self-esteem issues without her doing this to me. And I already have to constantly look after her and worry about her. I swear it's like I'm her mother. I don't mind saving her ass when she's too drunk to function, or helping her when she's done something ridiculous that I told her not to do, because that's just her - but if she does it pretending to be me, then she's crossed a line, you know? What makes it worse is that she has more confidence than me so she pulls off the stuff that I want desperately to do but I'm too afraid to. She just constantly flaunts my inadequacies in my face, and takes away the things I actually like.

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    Oh my god Violetta, thank you, I'm so glad I'm not just being stupid. That's how I feel - if she's going to steal stuff from me then what's the point in me even trying. She's getting the piercings I want but knows I can't afford to get. I told her I wanted a mohawk so she went out with a fauxhawk last night. When I found out I couldn't get a mohawk I was considering getting a straight fringe with long bits at the sides and short-ish at the back. Oh what a surprise, yesterday she announces she wants to get that. I've had to dye my hair blonde in order to get a job, and she's going to dye her hair the exact same colour pink that I had before!

    It's just so depressing, isn't it? Everyone says it should be a compliment but it's just not, I like inspiring people but I don't like them copying me! And it's the fact that people think they do it, so like when she puts the dots in the corner of her eyes, everyone goes "Wow, that's so cool, I've never seen that before!" but I've been doing it for years. But there's just nothing you can do about it! She was saying the other day about how she wants to start wearing cute flowery dresses with Doc Martens because it would be so funny because it wouldn't go, and it would be so weird to go to a metal gig in a flowery dress, and I just wanted to scream at her that I've always done that, that was always MY thing! All I did was jokingly say she was copying me and she was like "Oh no I'm not, I just really like it, I didn't even notice you did that!"

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    That's really nasty Courtney =S I'd guess it means you're just worried about having kids or about being a bad mother or something, but I'm very far from being a psychiatrist =P

    I keep feeling really shit at the moment, my friend has basically stolen my identity, she dresses exactly the same as I do (but slightly better because she has the money to buy the stuff that I like but can't afford), acts like I did when I was younger, and now she's starting to steal my things like festivals and crafting. I feel like she's become the new me, and if she's me, then who the fuck am I? She always got more attention than me because she was the prettier one, the only thing I had was that I was a bit quirky but it was just me, I wasn't trying. Now I feel like I have to compete with her all the time because if I go out with her and the other girls it's just going on and on about how amazing she is for doing stuff I've been doing for years! And I know it sounds so petty, and Andy says I should just take it as a compliment or something, but it' s not. I have self-esteem issues enough as it is, and I've always thought I was boring, that's why I went and got piercings and dyed my hair stupid colours but at least I did it for me. Now I just want to do it to get one up on her because when I'm around her, I get completely ignored.

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    Aargh I almost met him again, he was stood RIGHT next to me when Amanda was playing but he seemed to be enjoying it so I didn't want to interrupt...then he disappeared and didn't come back =(

    They were so incredible though!

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    Also it depends SO MUCH on what zombie we're looking at. If it's a Romeo zombie you'll be alright if you can hole up somewhere as they move very slowly and get distracted easily, but you have to remember that they are intelligent - think of them like you would wolves. Rage victims run fast but have lost all intelligence. I think for them, the countryside would be the best place to escape to. You can see them coming a mile off and because they're unorganised, chances are it'll be just the one and you can pick them off easily. Also remember that most zombies will be able to get across water, so that isn't always the best idea. Oh and it's helpful if you know what kind of zombie in terms of splatter as well - a rage zombie can infect you by splatter, a Romero zombie cannot.

    And to add to Pandora's bit about people being stupid, can we all please remember that once someone has been bitten that's it, you just kill them straight away or they're gonna kill you!

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    Be VERY careful about where you hide. Hiding in the attic may sound like a good idea, but if they get into the house, you're completely stuck. Same with basement, really. Old war bunkers are probably the best bet, so it's convenient to know where your nearest one is.
    Melee weapons mean you have to get up close, but there's no risk of running out of ammo. Also some good biker leathers should help if they do get too close!

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    I almost met Neil Gaiman last time...twice! How annoying.

    Apparently he's singing on the album (which I can't afford haha), so maybe he'll be there again!

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    And another one.

    Me and Andy have been made fun of before by his housemates for having loud sex, and we know it bothers people but it's like, what can we do except try and be quiet, and even when we do they can still hear because the walls are paper thin in that house. And normally it's just funny, because they know we're not doing it to be annoying, and we don't in the middle of the night or anything. But yesterday they were just being really harsh about it. Well, on Wednesday me and Andy had sex, and it wasn't that loud, but when we came out of his room we realised his housemate had gone into the front room while we were at it, so he would have heard. Then yesterday we didn't know anyone was in the house, and it was like 5 in the afternoon! So not a big deal. But when I went to check my emails after I see that one of his housemates had posted on Facebook that we were making loads of noise and tagged me in the post. Then she and Dani (the housemate from the day before) started putting up all this stuff about rough sex and that, and I thought it was funny at first but then Steph started going "Oh god I'm so embarrassed for her, I'd kill myself if it was me!" and it's like the online equivalent of standing in front of someone and talking about them when you know they can hear. It's just fucking rude.

    I got really upset about it, and got even worse when I saw that Dani had posted something as well, and that this girl who's in love with Andy had started commenting - I am DEFINITELY not comfortable with her knowing about my sex life. Steph's said sorry now because Andy went and talked with her, but it's like...sometimes saying sorry doesn't make it all better. She was really malicious. And in her sorry email, she just said that I should only have loud sex when everyone's out of the house but it's like...there are six people living there, over four floors, it's impossible to find a time when everyone's out and even so, I can't go round knocking on all the doors to check the coast is clear. Sex doesn't work. So now I'm in this shitty situation where I really don't want to have sex because I've been made to feel insecure about it, but I know Andy's going to want to, but I can never say no to guys because of various hang-ups I basically, they've ruined my sex life, at least for the forseeable future. So I feel like shit but can't do anything about it.

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    Well if it's the same as when I go, Amanda Palmer is one of the support acts, so she will be doing her stuff as well. But when they're in costume it'll have to be all Evelyn Evelyn!

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    I'm seeing them on the 23rd =) SO excited. I bought the limited edition vinyl years ago, I never thought it would actually amount to an album so I'm really pleased. And just means I get to see Amanda and Jason again =)

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    I've put on weight since I've been home for a few weeks and not having to buy food. Also, my brother is a snack fiend so there HAS to be snacks in the house or he gets annoyed...and of course, if it's there, I'll eat it. It's worse cause I stay up late downstairs watching TV. I went to the clinic last Thursday and I'm at 73..I don't know what, pounds, kilos? Anyway, a little overweight, my BMI is 26 when it shouldn't be over 25 so it's not dangerous but still. I'm eating a lot of salads with protein while I'm back, so like a salad with boiled egg in, or quorn sausages or something, cause I know I need it. Unfortunately when I go back to York it's bound to be back to just loads of carbs all the time =( pasta, noodles, sammiches etc. I hate it. Although I've decided I'm gonna try to eat one decent meal a week - so like cook a lasagne or something. I might try and cook for me and Andy once a week, it's more incentive if he can give me a little bit of money and I'm doing it for someone else. I also want to get back into boxing when I go back to uni and might even pick up jogging, if I can bear it - festivals aren't far away now and I need to be nice and thin!

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