January 2010
what crafts are you planning to do in 2010? 13th January 2010I am hoping to do more creative photography, learn how to knit, some paintings, to sketch more and pratise sewing46 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
#1 crafter of 2009 13th January 2010oh boy I was busy last year, what projects should I complete this year? and what projects of mine did you like from last year? I hope 2010 is as creative as 200931 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
konami code 12th January 2010Fancy having a bit of geeky fun then try this:- Go to http://konamicodesites.com/ To enter you need to use your cursor keys and type this (i'm using u for up, d for down, l for left and r for right and enter for enter) where it says ba just type ba in lower case...0 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Is this the one? 12th January 2010How did you know he/she was "the one"? I myself don't believe that there's just that one person, but how did you realize that this was one that you wanted to be with forever? I'm very young to be thinking about forever with one person, but yet I find myself thinking just that....23 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Awesome Fashion Knitting Magazine 11th January 2010I've been following lots of the projects for knitting on here for some time and thought some of you guys would be interested in a new website and magazine I found called Twisted Angle. A friend met the girl who creates it in a London knitting show and was really impressed....1 reply · Last reply about 15 years ago
Captain Planet 11th January 2010remember that AWESOME blue dude with the green hair? he was and still is my hero
captain planet should totally be put back on air we need future planeteers to help save the world from global warming
cmon? any fans?
11 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago -
THE HATTER(syfy) CLUB 10th January 2010all fans of the georg HATTER come here, post pictures and your vids of him!15 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Dance in the Vampire bund 10th January 2010its my new love6 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Miche 10th January 2010Ever heard of the Miche handbag? Does anyone have an idea of making one? Then what's stopping you!? Make it and post the project! I thought I had an idea but then realised it would be too much to post and it was just an experiment so it may not turn out the way I expected1 reply · Last reply about 15 years ago
Eloping 9th January 2010Me and my fiance want to get married on sptember 26th 2010 at our local courthouse. So much stuff will be happening around us: I'll be 18 that august 2010 he will be 18 in february 2010 and we will both be starting college in the fall of 2010. We have been researching and...23 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
my new name!! 9th January 2010i used to be shortandsweet15, but i am now shifty_material15 !! my brother suggested it, not sure why or what he's on about!, but it sounded cool so i thought i'd have a change! i still have the same profile picture, so you'll know its me, amy, still... just thought i would...3 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
what to draw on my tee? 8th January 2010hi everyone, i'm making a tee-dress thingie for in the summer (i found a sleeveless tee, i dunno what its called in english), with a v shaped cat von d-style back(its sorta a version of the prjoject(s?) here on CO+K). and its got drawings in black and purple, 'cause i had a...15 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
inspire diary 8th January 2010http://inspire-diary.blogspot.com/ My new years resolution was to use less paper, where I am a artist I collected things that inspire me. So I will keep this blog for one year, I promise I will try to update daily with items that inspire my art, crafts and life. Leave a...2 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
What makes you happy?? 6th January 2010I want to get together a sort of "sick-kit" type thing, but a Happy Box.. full of stuff I can have when I'm in need of cheering up. BUT I want some ideas; since I'm not feeling very inspired at the moment! What makes you happy, and what could I put in my Happy Box...?44 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Paranormal Activity 6th January 2010I just watched it today...it was really cool! I got very sucked into it. The ending surprised me, and I don't usually have that problem!! I'm also a fan of the show Supernatural, and I kept thinking they just needed to lay some salt lines and make a devil's trap...LOL10 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
have to put cuddles to sleep 4th January 2010My dog bit the mail man very badly, now the town wants him to be put down. I feel so bad, he was an abused puppy, left alone for days with little food or water. He was hit and undernourished. He has a bad habit of biting, he has bitten me, with blood. I feel sad, but there is...20 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
The Most Annoying Things to you that nobody ever takes into consideration...? 4th January 2010For me, it's who I am. And the fact that everybody thinks they know who I am just because of my appearance. "Oh, she has brown skin, dark hair, and dark eyes! Her last name is Malik! She must be a TERRORIST!" Uh, no. I'm American. I was born in Macon, Georgia. My mum's from...58 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Things to get excited about this year! 4th January 2010I'm looking forward to the release of Final Fantasy xiii and xiii Versus, and I'm also looking forward to the dvd releases of all of the awesome movies that came out recently. I'm also looking forward to my birthday, and the end of the school year
So, what's happening some...
32 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago -
Bf Rant 4th January 2010So, yesterday was our 2nd anniversary & long story short, I ended up spending it aloooooooone. Well, it was partially, if not mostly, my fault- I asked to have time away from him, a few days at most. And all of a sudden, he became very cold and stand-offish. I know, I hurt...14 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Urgh. Rude parents 4th January 2010Okay, well it's more like ONE rude parent. I don't really see my dad as being rude (except he's chewed out every one of my past bfs he's met, yikes) so that's an all clear. But my MOM. oh dear. She doesn't know/understand social awkwardness. Lyk... she says things that are...1 reply · Last reply about 15 years ago
Puppy carrier purse 3rd January 2010Hi everyone. I will like to know if any one have the pattern to make a puppy purse carrier. I have seen them on the internet but I will like to make it myself. I have a Shih-tzu and he is always with me this way I can take him everyware with me. Your help will be more then...0 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
need books to read 3rd January 2010give me some new ideas? What should I read next?11 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Avatar 2nd January 2010I can't be the only one who absolutely LOVED this movie, can I? My mom and I wanted to see Sherlock Holmes but it was starting too late, so we saw Avatar instead. We had no idea what to expect and it was abslutely amazing! What I really liked about it was the whole speculative...10 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
what are you obsessed with at the mo? 2nd January 2010me, i'm obsessed with berets, tidying my room (!), buttons, and cardigans...89 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
US or UK? 2nd January 2010The US has remade many UK television shows and movies. I'm curious to know which ones do you prefer? As an example, I love both the US and UK versions of The Office!16 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
I finally have my Etsy shop up! 2nd January 2010I'm soooo excited! *does victory dance*18 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
crappy film remakes 2nd January 2010my dad wanted to watch the Phantom, I was thinking the 9o's Phantom, but it was a very craptastic modern remake, based in the US, with uber gagets n explosions and stuff. I mean the first one was cheesy, but that was fun. This one was so long and boring. but my dad loved it12 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Boys. 1st January 2010So I just met this really sweet guy and we've been texting for a while now. But Im starting to really like him. The problem is hes going out with my friend. Hes already told me he likes me, and hes planing to break up with her. She really likes him, but moves on fast Then...7 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
OMG I remember that song! 1st January 2010I love that I'm such a weirdo. I often get tired of songs easily so when I fall in love with one I listen to it hundreds of times and forget about it after I'm bored with it. Months or years later I hear it again and I'm all, "OMG I LOVE THAT SONG!!!" Some songs I've suddenly...19 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
December 2009
Does Anyone Here Use Polyvore.com? 31st December 2009I've been using Polyvore for a few months now. I find that it's a mess free way to get out some of my creative energies when I don't have space or time to start a big project. Basically you're given a blank canvas and you can design anything from a magazine style ad to...39 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
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WORKIING HARD, Dato Sri Darren Yaw
PEACE..Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Mistakes can be made but we shoukd be quick to fix them,learn from them and not repeat them Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Any ideas on how to "start" a sketchbook?
Paragliding - How to do it?
How to unlock Netspend account- know this from experts
WORKIING HARD, Dato Sri Darren Yaw
PEACE..Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Mistakes can be made but we shoukd be quick to fix them,learn from them and not repeat them Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Dato Sri Darren Yaw
How does Darren Yaw Gcg spend his time alone?
Darren Yaw Gcg Feel Old