have to put cuddles to sleep

My dog bit the mail man very badly, now the town wants him to be put down. I feel so bad, he was an abused puppy, left alone for days with little food or water. He was hit and undernourished. He has a bad habit of biting, he has bitten me, with blood.

I feel sad, but there is nothing I can do. He is in pain from severe ear infections(5 years of no vet treatment), can't sleep well at all and is tired alot.

Maybe putting him down will be better for him. Its so sad and I am crying about it.

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20 replies since 4th January 2010 • Last reply 4th January 2010

I'm very sorry about your doggie and about how your doggie was treated in its' past. My dog bites me sometimes, but she's very old and she is just a crabby dog in general; but I know she still loves me just like I'm sure your dog still loves you. I'm guessing there's nothing you can do about it the youthanization, since the town is probably disgruntled about it-but don't blame yourself for anything. You should be very proud of yourself that you adopted the lil fella. And know that he loves you for giving him a warm, loving home. Personally I don't believe in putting naughty puppies down, because they are beings too-and we all get in bad moods, right? Buuut, if he's very sick, it very much could be for the best. I would cherish your time left, and just remember him for all the happiness he brought to your life. I feel very strongly about loosing animals/pets, because I've had a ton of misc pets; from ducks, squirrel to dogs, and a cat. Loosing a special friend is very hard, so that's normal. Hope things work out for the best. Goodluck.

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OOo...thats so sad Michelle,Im really sorry about your dog...I know how hard it is to loose a pet,after two months I cant get over loosing my cat.I hope it wont be too hard on you,maybe if you think about whats best for him it will be easyer.

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I really don't want to do it, but I live with my parents and they want it to happen. We only had him three weeks, in those weeks I made him feel loved. I fed him(he was only six pounds! when we got him)

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Im with you,I can just imagine how hard it is for you.

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I had my Bandit(border collie) from my fourth birthday to my 19th year. He had cancer, had had a stroke, had congestive heart failure....we kept praying he would pass in his sleep, but in the end, he was so strong, he wanted to be with us and take care of us. We had to have him put down, so he wouldn't hurt anymore. His mate, our Skylar, mourned him for months. We all still miss him.
In this case, it may very well be for the best. The only other option I could think of is calling Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer...but who knows if he'd be available.

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too bad my parents don't want him Happy

if it was up to me, I would keep him

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That is horrible. My cat attacked me twice - both times I had to go to the ER. He got 'fixed' and it calmed him down. I am not sure why he bot the mail man but is it really worth putting him to sleep over? Can you get a court junction to take him to training classes? I am very sorry.

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aww michelle
i hope you know what a great job you did by feeding him and taking care of him.
You made those 3 weeks of his life shine i'm sure.

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nope, they don't do that here. We have to put him down


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I'm so sorry Michelle, I wish there was something I could do *hugs*
I think it's disgusting that they still put down dogs for doing what's in their nature, instead of giving them a second chance. If someone punched me, I wouldn't get them put down over it. I guess it's just easy for some people to think of them as just peoples' sidekicks or whatever. Not as actual living beings, with emotions and problems.

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I know, its sad. I don't really want to do it

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I agree KK,it sucks and Its really sad how some people think "oh,its just a dog,you can get another one!"

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nooooooooo, its so hard to replace them

you never forget a pet

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I know I didnt forget any pet I had so far!Its like loosing a friend,a part of your self. Pihh,now I got really sad,im thinking of my cat Károly....

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