Posts by queenfairypants

    im reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. I can see why it's got so much acclaim, its not supposed to be funny but he is, the narrator is a 15 year old boy with aspergers and he's like any body else but very honest and logical.

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    I'd rather read the book me thinks.

    My mum's reading what sounds like a good book at the mo 'Dead Simple' by Peter James but she's practically told me what happens! I'm gonna read it after her.

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    What is Lolita about?

    I'm about to start 'The Traveller' by John Twelve Hawks, I bought it in a chairty shop for 95p haha they also had Memoirs of a Geisha but I couldn't afford both or Memoirs...on it's own and it was a bit tatty anyway. Looks alright.

    I miss Harry Potter! I'm part reading the biography of Eels frontman Mark Everret. I'm not a big Eels fan but it just seemed interesting so I read it when my boyfriend comes round, cuz it's his book.

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    I like slow books, but it's so interesting that you don't mind the story taking ages because you could just live in the story (most books are slow for me anyway although I'm getting quicker at reading!). I like the characters to be easy to relate to or relate to other people. I love metaphors, similes, subtle hints but I hate it when it's too flowery. A good book makes you feel good even if the story is sad or scary.

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    * make the writing bigger

    aaaw I liked it, I nearly cried in the beginning and felt so much tension before she asked him for a hug Happy

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    I keep meaning to read it, I'm gonna copy and paste it into word and make the writing better.

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    It felt really crazy how we lived in the time when people cued up for the next harry potter I hope when I have kids that they like it as much imagine the faces in years to come and you say how people waited for hours just to get it.

    I cried so much in this one especially when hedwig died and when dobby was burried uuuurgh doooobby!

    A writer has to build up a story it could easily have been written as 3 books but weres the excitment in that. And the character changes felt natural to me, look back at how you were from 11 - 17 I know I changed a lot. I felt that it was a really good ending to it all.

    I love reading now because I'm just trying to find that same excitment in this made up place.

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    I'm sorry but it had to be done. I'm reading the last book again Happy

    I thought it would be pretty cool to discuss it in here because you can't get that much intellegent response from official HP boardies.

    I had hardly ever read a whole book by myself before HP (it's been revealed that this is because of having mild dyslexia). J K Rowling created such a wonderful series full of atmosphere etc etc that i read them all all the way through, I have never been so involved with fictional characters I just think it's all so amazing, it speaks to a lot of people. The magic is what makes it because it's been done in a very modern way. I'm trying to find books with the same atmosphere and stuff.

    soo erm thoughts...

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    they always roll off in their own direction but I like letting it all flow out.

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    I think the last book was perfect some people really moaned about it, it had to be that way and it's up to Rowling what she writes!

    My friend recommened The Picture of Dorian Gray to me when I asked her about victorian novels.

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    Happy ones always end up being sarcastic or sad again with me aah ha

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    I don't read as much as I would like to I can only read just before I go to bed when its quiet although I read Harry Potter in the summer in the day cuz no one else was in but I have a type of dyslexia which makes it very difficult to focus on reading and it takes me a long time to read a book because of this, I'm getting tinted glasses soon which should help to stop glare off the page etc Happy

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    aren't the books called His Dark Materials or something? I don't want to see the film until I've read the books but might not bother now the story seems pretty good, you'll have to tell us more and yeh it is picks up haha

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    OOOH i dooo i dooo but I don't know what to write about errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm actually yes I do errrrm EXCITEMENT!

    no I don't erm I'll have to think of something! I've thought of something!!! 2 things weeee.

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    yeh i'd turn over a page and just feel like the same shock as i do watching an ikky horror film! IKKY!

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