March 2010
Mohawk? 9th March 2010I'm very seriously considering getting a mohawk and I need to know whether it's a rubbish idea. This is what I want: [img][/img] But probably slightly longer at the sides and longer bangs. And I'd still have...43 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Alice in Wonderland 4th March 2010I don't know about al of you but I am SO EXCITED about Alice in Wonderland starting on Friday!! I found this site with AIW crafts on it if anyone is interested!!! There are some Valentines stuff (saving mine for next...18 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Woodstock Party 4th March 2010Hey! I'm having a Woodstock themed party for my 18th birthday. I'd like to make decorations myself. Does anyone have any ideas? I quite like Tye Dye Table cloths, what do you think?
10 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago -
vintage wine bottle cozy 3rd March 2010I am trying to track down a crochet pattern for a poodle dog vintage wine bottle cozy. Popular in the 50's Can any one direct my search?5 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
My new craft desk (ideas welcome) 3rd March that I'm all moved into my apartment...I have two bedrooms and only one of my extra room is my craft room. It is in need of a craft desk. And since I'm messy and don't want to get a super new one...I'm thinking of something that could get dirty and I...11 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
need help for ideas 3rd March 2010hey everybody well i have stated b4 that i have tourette syndrome well crafts help me calm my tics and im about to teach some kids in my support group crafts 2 help them as well any new sugestions on other crafts 4 them i knit but that might b a little much for them7 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
bandage dress 2nd March 2010any idea where i can find patterns for bandage dresses?11 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
I have a bunch of lace 2nd March 2010I have a bunch of lace,that i dont know what to do with it.If any one has any ideas let me know.Thank you.14 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
February 2010
Your favorite spices? 28th February 2010I love spicy food.We eat and cook everything with too much spices.I would love to learn more about different spices and for what there used for. The ones I use mostly are: pepper,garlic powder,paprika,dill,cinnamon,vegeta,curry... What are your favorites?And for what do you...21 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Laser Cut Tiered Dress 27th February 2010For a play, me and the other person in charge of costumes have to make a laser cut tiered dress. Does anyone have any tips/tricks/tutorials on how this could be done? Thank you so much for your time! (In case you're like...1 reply · Last reply about 15 years ago
Two jackets so many ideas 26th February 2010So I have a black corduroy blazer that I got a spot of bleach on. Oops. I have a packet of purple dye, what should I do with it? I also have a lab coat from a pharmacy, I also have a silk screen and fabric ink, what fun stuff should I screen on the coat?1 reply · Last reply about 15 years ago
Recycled Craft Supply Swapping Penpal Wanted! 23rd February 2010Hello, My name is Claire. I'm currently in the UK and I'm looking for someone from abroad to swap craft materials with. I love crafts using recycled goods like soda can tin, bottle tops, juice pouches and other packaging. I think it would be great to pair up with someone...7 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Freecycle/Freegle. 22nd February 2010Does anyone else used theses site's or something similar?? I used Wirral-Recycle as it's the only one (that's popular) in my area.12 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
What project are you most proud of? 20th February 2010whats something that you made and your most proud of? Im super proud of my felted projects.Everything is made by wet felting.And after ten years of felting I can make almost everything. The bags and Mario the marionet puppet are my favorites.24 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Making Pillowcases 19th February 2010Hi! One of the craft gals who has signed up for Operation Pillowcase is on here so I thought I would come by and see what is going on! I would love to invite any and all of you to come over to the Operation Pillowcase blog and check out the great pillowcases being made for the...0 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
crochet pattern for kitty hood scarf with pockets?? 15th February 2010I love the kitty hood scarf with pockets and wanted to know if anyone had a crochet pattern for it. Please help me out!5 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Crafts for my Garden! Help me? 15th February 2010My garden is quite nice in the summer. But in the winter, well, from the beggning of winter and then until good spring, it isn't too great. I have a few craft things in it, like, clay mushrooms, a metal butterfly sculpture, a cockrell sculpture, a GIANT lady bird and that is...10 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Collage ? 15th February 2010I collect alot of pictures that i want to use in future projects but im unsure about the best way to store it, any suggestions? Or projects i could do to use up some of the images ive collected.4 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
glass jars 15th February 2010Hey im new to cut out and keep but i think its great. So my gran has heaps of glass jars, and she wanted me to have them. So i was wondering whether anyone had any ideas for what i can do with them. - thanks WOW guys have have heaps of good ideas13 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Awesome crochet hat patterns? 15th February 2010so i LOVE hats and i LOVE crocheting, and i have been looking on ravelry for some cool crochet hat patterns i found some okay ones but they are either too simple or too over the top like hats of cartoon characters which i am going to make but its not what i am looking for. Oh...5 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Searching for Tofu Fa recipe 15th February 2010Hi guys and girls I've been looking for a Tofu Fa recipe (tofu custard type pudding)and I've done a google search but there are so many varieties. Does anyone have a tried and true method? Cheers2 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Slouchy/Harem Pants 13th February 2010I'm including some links because I've been asking everyone I know about these things for any sort of idea how to make them, and everyone I've asked insofar is like "slouch what?" Not slouch-what: slouchy pants! They're made of draping material and kind of remind you of the...2 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Costume HELP!!!!! 12th February 2010Okay, so I like to plan ahead(sue me, I dare ya), and I've already decided my Halloween costume, but I need help! I'm going to be The Mad Hatter(a very close version of Johnny Depp's) I just need help with actually putting it together The problem is that I don't exactly know...7 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
cut out and keep fit club! 9th February 2010the idea of this is to share what we are doing to keep fit and to encorange each other53 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Corset Dress -- HELP! 9th February 2010Hey y'all! So, I'm one of the girls working on costumes for my schools Spring play. There's 2 casts, and me and the other girl in charge are having a bit of a problem: One of the lead characters has a specific dress that we want to replicate from the Broadway play. There's a...1 reply · Last reply about 15 years ago
home exersise 9th February 2010my doc told me I need to bulk up due to my ligament lacecty(it means my ligaments stretch out of shape sometimes) I was thinking yoga or pilates5 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Which Sewing Machine ? 9th February 2010Hi, I live in the UK and want to buy a sewing machine. Could anyone recommend a good one for a beginner ? I did try one of those mini ones but the thread kept snapping. Something that wont scare me but that has all the things i might need to use for general making of crafty...5 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Amigurumi help! 8th February 2010Please guys,I need help with amigurumi pattern reading!Im going crazy! Im not good at making stuff after patterns,so I make my own patterns most of the time.But I found some stuff that I really want to make the same as on the pattern.Could you help me? This is the row that I...3 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Make up brush guards how to??? 7th February 2010hi , ok so ive recently just got into makeup so im always open to tips and tricks [and diy]. i was surfing through youtube when this video for " the brush guard" came up in my suggested videos i decided to look at it. there was this girl who i was subscribed to who...10 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
Yo-Yos!!! 7th February 2010My mom originally taught me how to make them, but my interest was refreshed by the multiple projects using them on CO+K. My mother's grandmother began a yo-yo quilt before she died, and my mother added to it some, over the years. I'm pretty sure it's been damaged by living in...3 replies · Last reply about 15 years ago
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