Corset Dress -- HELP!

Hey y'all!

So, I'm one of the girls working on costumes for my schools Spring play. There's 2 casts, and me and the other girl in charge are having a bit of a problem: One of the lead characters has a specific dress that we want to replicate from the Broadway play. There's a rather large cast (probably about 50-60 people on each cast list) and we wanna cut down on making as many costumes as we can, espically this one! The whole dress is made out of ribbon (though we're just going to find a dress and basically sew the ribbon design on), and becuase of our budget, we don't wanna spend a lot of money on ribbon. The girls who wears the ribbon are both the same height, but there's a difference in the bust area. We decided to try and have a corset in the back (the dress comes with a sort of cape, so the audience isn't going to be seeing the back) so we can tighten it and loosen it, depending on which girl is wearing it.

Does anyone have any ideas on how we could do that?
Would it be the same as making a corset top?

Thanks so much for your time Happy

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1 reply since 9th February 2010 • Last reply 9th February 2010

Hi Erica
A lot of stage costumes have wide elastic panels to make movement easier. You could make a side underarm panel out of a stretch heavy lacy fabric that matches in for the bigger girl and use 'eyes' from hooks and eyes to create corset effect (from bra strap level straight down to waist along a line down from shoulder blade to about 3 inch either side of the zip) for the smaller girl.

Tha false corsetting can be left in place for the bigger girl

You didn't say if it has sleeves. If it does make a long triangle shape to fill in the under sleeve bit to match up with side panel you are adding.

2 girls one dress

Hope this helps x

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