How to make a skirt fit without zipper??!

I'm making a high waist skirt (like this:

But my sewing machine SUCKS so I can't sew a zipper to make the skirt to fit over my hips xD And the fabric is anything but stretchy..

So I thought of sewing in a piece of really stretchy fabric.. but i'm afraid the skirt won't be tight enough around my waist..

please help!! Happy

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3 replies since 2nd November 2009 • Last reply 2nd November 2009

hi liz!
i made some bad experiences with sewing in stretchy fabric, as you said, it wasn´t tight enough or it will be worn out in some month... and sometimes it just looked crappy... when i couldn´t add zippers (i had some machine like you before) i improvised with some of these methods:
maybe you can insert an elastic to the waistband (then you have to extend waistband and skirt parts so it can stretch) but you will get more ruffles
or you extend the waistbands length so it will overlap and you can close it with a button on one side
you can insert hook and eye tape
or you put in some eyelets to create a corset like closing
i hope i could help you a bit and you can understand what i mean, i looked up so many words in the dictionary *embarrassed*Happy but i don´t know if they fit in the context...
by the way: that´s such a nice skirt! i wanna have one of these, you put this into my head now!!!!
good luck!!!!

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Oooh wow you are so helpful!!! <3 Those tips would make a great How-to!! :O

Mind If I make one? :3 I'll credit you!!

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thanks! and your welcome!!!
i think there are much more options, i had a reading about closing opportunities but it´s some time ago...
maybe i´ll find my notes, the how-to idea sounds nice!!!

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