cut out and keep fit club!

53 replies since 9th February 2010 • Last reply 9th February 2010

oh good on you heather! Whatever helps you out.

I need to gain a bit more weight, but keep fit. I have been walking my dog every day

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I've put on weight since I've been home for a few weeks and not having to buy food. Also, my brother is a snack fiend so there HAS to be snacks in the house or he gets annoyed...and of course, if it's there, I'll eat it. It's worse cause I stay up late downstairs watching TV. I went to the clinic last Thursday and I'm at 73..I don't know what, pounds, kilos? Anyway, a little overweight, my BMI is 26 when it shouldn't be over 25 so it's not dangerous but still. I'm eating a lot of salads with protein while I'm back, so like a salad with boiled egg in, or quorn sausages or something, cause I know I need it. Unfortunately when I go back to York it's bound to be back to just loads of carbs all the time =( pasta, noodles, sammiches etc. I hate it. Although I've decided I'm gonna try to eat one decent meal a week - so like cook a lasagne or something. I might try and cook for me and Andy once a week, it's more incentive if he can give me a little bit of money and I'm doing it for someone else. I also want to get back into boxing when I go back to uni and might even pick up jogging, if I can bear it - festivals aren't far away now and I need to be nice and thin!

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Heather good luck!hope you succeed.Happy
Knittin I want to loose weight because of the festivals and summer too...Happy looove festivals,but I enjoy them waaay better when Im thin.Happy
Anyway the eating two times a day,and not eating after 5 is working out great.Im also riding my bike everywhere and I feel more fit and have more energy and self esteem.
I lost 1 kilos in two weeks. Happy

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OMG @ Violetta that's amazing.

Heather: Keep it up chick I will follow your blog. I really need to lose weight too. I used tbe 21 stone and I lost nearly 2 stone last summer, but then I couldn't afford to keep going swimming and gym and then it all just fell apart. I'm going to weigh myself I hope I havn't put too much back on :C

Since I've had such a good morning - I don't usually eat brekkie and this morning I ate fruit for brekkie - I think I might make this day 1!!!!? Although I'm going our for a meal with my friends tonight so maybe not. We'll see...

I'm proper feeling in the mood now so I might do some wii fit!!!

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ooh thats great V

still looking to gain a bit on healthy weight. Took my dog for a walk down by the Rose Blanch lighthouse, she is tuckered out now

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Well I've lost 8kg in 9 weeks - and dropped 2 dress sizes! I'm over the moon! The "Metabolism B" diet really works but it takes some discipline and dedication. I've also discovered that I'm a "comfort eater" and of course this diet doesn't allow for sugary or junk food snacks so at times it's a b*tch! It's getting cold here in South Africa and it's been raining quite a bit which means I can't really go out and play tennis, so I bought a "Twister" - basically it's a round board/disc that rotates/moves when you move your arms. It's cheap and it's fun!!

Diet advice - Cut out/Limit your intake of sugar and carbohydrates. Exercise!

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Im already at minus 3 kilos!

Congrats on your weight loss Tracy!

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I just started a new diet, basically I'm just counting calories and making sure I exercise as close to every day as I can. I went over today by 200 limit is about 1,200 so maybe I did eat too much. Eh.

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