cut out and keep fit club!

53 replies since 9th February 2010 • Last reply 9th February 2010

Im calorie counting and I just got a heart rate monitor lastnight. It`s supposed to tell me how many calories I burn during a workout according to my age, gender weight and of course heart rate. Can afford the monitor now(actually only paid $60 for it) because I quit smoking for my new years resolution and stuck to it. The reward system for quitting smoking worked really well.. figure how much money you saved at the end of each month and buy something you always wanted but always felt to guilty to. first month I bought a nice big bottle of expencive perfume. I think for my weight loss rewards I will splurge on things to improve my apperence,like, expencive make-up or clothes. I also drink a lot of tea and water with a fresh squeezed lemon wedge. my aunt said that adding cinnimon to your diet helps your metabolism, so I add that to my oatmeal every morning. I have also cut out all breads and sugars (not including fruit).. trying to eat as fresh as possible. Hope that these tips helps or motivates someone to do the same Happy

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hi every one just joined as i need to be around people who can motavate me hubby bought me wii fit for christmas so had to use it and im glad i did already down a dress size read your comments and they are getting me more motivated

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update: heart rate moniter watch is junk, takes too much effort to figure out.. im finding the wii fit plus is a better motivator as it tells you how many calories your burning. Also if you have an ipod or iphone.. get the "lose it" app, it's free.. you can enter all the food you eat into it with the calories, it also gives you goals and a calorie limit for the day. I have lost 2 lbs so far Happy

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I need help girls.
I decided to go on a diet.Summer is coming and I feel so unhealthy and its starting to affect my mood.I love my stile and I like dressing silly and in many layers,skinny jeans and stuff wery colorful.But recently I noticed I dont dress up like I want to,because I feel insecure and unconfortable in my skin.I just wear jeans and black hoodies.Im not dressing and feeling like myself.
People keep telling me im not fat,and I didnt gain weight since last summer but I cant help it.It bothers me and it ruins my days when I see myself in the mirror.
So thats why I decided to start a diet.Im not so good at keeping a diet with stuff you can eat and not eat,and I cant commit to counting carbs and stuff.
So this is what Ill try:
For the first 5 days I will just drink water,juice from fresh fruits and caomille tea.I wont eat anything.
After the five days Ill just eat vegetable soup,boiled potatoes,low fat yogurt and vegetables and fruit.
Ill keep doing it until I loose some weight or at least feel better in my skin.

What do you think?How effective will It be?

I was pretty good at starving myself a few years ago (It was not so good,a few kilos came back quick) so I think I will be able to hold it out.

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when you starve yourself, your body goes into storage mode.. it thinks there is something wrong and will protect itself by storing. No matter what diet.. the fact still remains...3500 calories = 1 pound. Im looking into something called negitive calories.. basically it's a food that burns more calories to eat and digest than there are calories in the it and you will find lists of fruits and veggies that have this effect. Much better option than starving yourself.. and starving is no fun Happy if you feel you must starve yourself, atleast take some kind of a vitiman. Good luck to what ever makes you feel happy, because happiness is all that matters Happy

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Oh no,Im not planning to starve myself I just said i was good at it.Happy
No Im just gonna drink and not eat for 5 days and after that Im eating only fruits and veggies.And every night Ill stand before the mirror,so I stay motivated.
Thanks Kitty!Im was much happier thats my goal!

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Walking is they key for me. A few years ago I had a job in where I would talk 20 mins or so to work everyday and back. The weight just melted away after 4-5 months. After a winter of depression last year and coming back to Canada after England for a 2 1-2 years I was diving into my old fav diners and everything bad for me!! HAPPILY.. a little too happily.. 30 pounds later.. EEK..

So.. Recently.. no more bus to work. I walk. It takes 40 mins. Eat a salad for lunches, nice light dinners and stock up on Cheerios, popcorn, apples and diet pops for snacks.

Since January I've walked off 15 pounds! I'm totally pumped and can't imagine taking the bus unless it's PISSING rain.. or I'm late.

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I cycle around 6.5 miles a day to get to work and back (4-5 working days a week), unless it's raining like crazy or during those wonderful -22 Fahrenheit winter seasons. Good cardio exercise and helps burn out the occasional treats. On top I try to keep up a rhythm of working out at a gym every 2 days, unless there's a good reason not to go that exact day. Never allow myself to postpone it more than with one day.

I really don't "diet" as it were, but I do try to stay away from fast food and treats in general, I don't use butter/margarine, just eat dark bread, no sodas or juices with ridiculous amounts of sugar, etcetc.

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Ok I gave up on the just drinking fluids for five days.It made me feel like shit and after two days i felt really sick.So now im doing the same thing that made me loose 5 pounds a year ago.No eating after 5.My last meal is at 4 a clock.
Im 69 kilos now,planning to loose at least 4-5 kilos.Wish me luck.Happy
I walk every day and I drive my bike almost every day.We have no money for gas right now,and we decided we dont need it.Its much better to go everywhere on the bike,its lovely outside.
The place where i live is not so big,you can get almost anywhere on the bike.Happy

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I've been a vegetarian for about 6 months (woo!) and I think my only issue is portion sizes...I need to start working out again, but I think if I cut down on food in general, it would make a difference.

It's not like I'm overweight or anything, but I'd like to slim down, for self esteem purposes, haha. I need to start walking the dog more and not eating as much - I eat healthy foods, just too much of them.

Anyways, I really like this idea!

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Peeps, do NOT forget your protein! Most of the stuff I've seen posted up here is about cutting out carbs and replacing it with fruit and veg but you'd do better by increasing the amount of protein you eat too. Aim for at least three fist-sized portions spread out over the day, and include dairy as well as fruit and veg (the more colourful, the better).

I have a great recipe for a fat-free fruit cake which I'll be posting up later, it's gorgeous (and I get to eat some without having to worry about it lol) and my kids love it.

As for weight loss, I'm on the same wagon as some of your guys. I started off a couple years ago as 16 stone 12 and 39.4% body fat and I'm currently 12 and a half at 20% body fat. It's getting there, slow but sure. I do need a kick up the ass though, studying for my degree is taking most of my time that I get away from the kids (ARGH!). ^_^

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hi can any one tell me why evan when i do wii keep fit for at least an hour per day im still not losing weight i have cut out ll treats and made smaller portions

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you might be slimming down, but not losing weight. If you are gaining muscle mass then you wouldn't see a difference on the scale but you will be thinner since pound per pound fat has more volume than muscle. or if you're not eating enough your body will go nuts. (so make sure you have enough protein for your body with all that working out!)

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wanted to share a great healthy recipe with everyone!

1 avocado
1/2 lime
salt & pepper

peel the avocado and take out the pit. give it a nice rough chop, place in a bowl. squeeze the half lime over top and add salt and pepper to taste!

i eat this every other day at lunch. its quick, easy, great for you and delicious!

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i can't believe I am doing this but i invite you guys to check out my new blog basically this is going to be my online diary of everything that i eat. i am posting pictures of all the main meals and the calories. also gonna be tracking my exercise. I just basically realized that i have no accountability so if i post all my bad food habits for the the whole world to see maybe it will help me to stay on track! friday will be weigh in day and picture day of myself so you can see my progress if any....

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