Posts by Bryony

    Urgh rockband was even worse! My housemate used to play it continuously. It's the clicking and the strobing colours.

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    I think I can create a chain but not very well so pictures would be amazing Violetta if that's okay?

    @Ruby That would be great sweetie! if you want to learn to knit I learned through the tutorials on my scarf how toif that helps? x

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    Oh my god guys why don't we do this one as well? It is literally down the road from me!

    NOVEMBER 2010
    25 Nov - 28 Nov

    The Knitting and Stitching Show 2010 (Harrogate International Centre)

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    That sounds a great plan guys!

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    I'm not that close to my family and my mother in law is too far away. Sadly I can't afford/do not have time for classes either so I'm stuck.

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    I hate Guitar Hero. It makes me ill and hypnotised.

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    How in God's name do people crochet? I'm trying to teach myself and all the videos go too quick and all the pictures confuse me. Mybe I should stick to knitting but I really want to make a crochet macaroon *sighs*

    I am so fed up, I have been trying to work it out for the past two days and now I have a headache. Any help guys?

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    Hey, welcome to the site! x

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    Tell you what Ruby we will save and do it next year. x

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    Or change the grey for black and go as the Resevoir Dogs?

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    I am gutted that I won't get to go.

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    Alternatively I could not be lazy and just cut and paste it here:

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    If you check out my how to for my dog scarf it has great links to video tutorils which is basically how I learned. Hope that helps xx

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    Poor Moo, take it she's wearing the big cone of shame?

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