Posts by Bryony

    Home school your children.

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    Is there any particular reason that you want to home school?

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    Seconded Jordan, I made my little brother's life hell when he was going through puberty.

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    I miss the original licorice fountains, they were amazing.

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    My boss says that I often look like I'm on drugs when thinking something through. I have a tendency to let my index finger tick back and forth when searching for a word or an answer to a question. As a Southener in the North this counts for a lot.

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    I'm with Lolly Bot!

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    <img src="" alt="i'm in ravenclaw!"><br>
    <a href="" target="0">be sorted</a> @ <a href="" target="0"></a>

    All the way baby!

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    My God Michelle, how do you get any thing done?! x

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    Why not make a tiffin based cake: no baking, just chill. My husband makes me a cupcake version with peanut butter or toffeefied condensed milk in the middle. x

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    @-Spright yes I do! My friend had one and I was so jealous of it! I always wondered why the puppies had to come by caesarean though.

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    Hope these help x

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    Does anyone remember the original puppy, pony and kitty in my pocket?

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    Name: Bryony Hill (Yes I sound like an address, I know)

    NickName: Boo, Puss, Kitten

    Age: 23

    Dob: 07/01/87

    Parent of children or parent of cute and cuddly creatures: I am Slave and wicked stepmother to a small and malevolent black cat. Sadly no children yet.

    type of materials you love to use in crafting: I haven't found anything I don't like just yet.

    least or just annoying materials to work with: I have a love/hate relationship with my sewing machine.

    Hobby other than crafting: I read a lot, watching films, used to ride and would love to do it again (no space to keep a horse sadly), write critical essays that no one will ever read.

    Favorite type of music: I like the Andrews Sisters, the ALO, Greenday, Jet, Ramstein, Cash ooh and Brad Paisely, he gives me a funny.

    Favorite current tv show: Major Doctor Who girl especially Tom Baker's Doctor (if you don't know which one that is look him up, the delivery is spot on!) so I like Torchwood by association and The Sarah Jane Adventures. I'm quite fond of CSI apart from Horatio Kane, he gets on my nerves and gives me no funny.

    Favorite Current movie: Young Frankenstein. It's not current but it's not that old (I know it's in black and white but it was meant to be filmed that way)

    What colors do you like: Green and Blue

    What is your obssession: Getting enough money together to have nice things

    Dislike anything in pacticular: People who tell me what I should be doing with my life. The latest one is being a chimney sweep.

    Dream Job: Winning the lottery so we can live a life of luxury together Without worrying ever again and Alex can have his Aston Martin.

    Current occupation: Sales consultant

    do you perfer something sweet or salty for a snack: Depends on my mood.

    patterns or solids: I'm not keen on 70's or 60's patterns but some are pretty.

    if you like anime name your toon: Anything my friend Laura draws, she's wonderfully gifted.

    do you perfer a nice quiet outing to the beach for a nice read or out with your pals at the nearest hot spot: Either way!

    finally explain your profile photo: This is a picture for one of Gok Wan's naked calenders. I believe the keepers are from Chester Zoo. It's up there because I loved the horrified expression on the Lemur's face. Also my nickname for my husband is Lemur.

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    Well you choose a theme and see if any one is interested I guess then pair them up. Have you done any before? x

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    Didn't the cupcake dolls have a really sweet plasticky smell?

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