Posts by Bryony

    Well you choose a theme and see if any one is interested I guess then pair them up. Have you done any before? x

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    Want! x

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    MAybe fix the catagories but make the shuffle button more prominent Crafterella? x

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    Bum, it's such a balls ache isn't it? Hope it comes good for you soon Ruby x

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    Hurrah! Both boards and projects are back on line for me through the normal channels. How are you doing at your end Ruby?

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    Me to Ruby but I'm getting it for the boards as well. If I want to see any new projects or see what people are writing on here I have to go through the home page and scroll down to where it says stuff has been updated (bottom right hand corner).

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    I did notice but I thought it was quite cool. I saw some plushies that I wouldn't have looked at otherwise!

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    I can't work out how to start can somebody point me in the direction of the right button please?




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    Yay done it! Looking forward to seeing your how to Birdy! xx

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    Same here, my first 'how to' and I can't post it!

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