Posts by Bryony

    Merry Christmas you lot! xx

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    I can't wait for Christmas, it's our first one just us and the cat so it's very special. We're going to be buying cheap baubles then decorating them ourselves and making our own crackers. I am also making *fanfare* OUR FIRST CHRISTMAS CAKE! My fruit has been thoroughly drenched for over a week so we won't be driving after *winks*

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    Anete looks great in sepia and has made the coolest dinosaur plushie ever! She can also crochet really well of which I am extremely jealous x

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    Dessah is a real sweetie who is deeply committed to everything she goes into. She's a hard worker, a devoted mother and a wonderful crafter who is well loved by everyone who knows her. x

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    Which are the happiest colours in the world? If you have samples, put them up! If they are on a piece of clothing then put up a picture of you in it! xx

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    It's okay I texted it to my surrogate daughter and inflicted it on her! xx

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    Tell you what Michelle the first time the first pair get wet or snowed on that fur is going to go seriously manky. I like the second pair for what it's worth.x

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    Damn it Abbie now I have 'Zydrate Anatomy' going round and round in my head! x

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    Luna what about going as a Mummy if your foot is already in plaster? That way you can still be on crutches and the lurching looks authentic!

    Hope you heal soon xx

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    I still reccommend him coming up with his own ideas and pulling his finger out of his bottom... x

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    I'm going to be at home cuddling my husband and hoping that the villagers don't decide to burn the newcomers a la The Wicker Man...

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    Hurrah! Nice one petal x

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    Staple the explanation to his forehead? xx

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    He just doesn't want to be Dr Watson because that means your character will be brighter than his my love. tell him if he wants to be in a loving relationship NEXT October he's going to have to pull his finger out and choose. Worked on my Alex. x

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    And they can go out for walks on a lead which is uber cute. x

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