Posts by Bryony

    There, job done! Now I shall do what I came to do.

    Partner Name: Sharon B.

    Swap Name:Thrift Shop Swap

    Did your partner keep in communication with you?: Initially yes but then went away for two weeks saying she had lost the site. All fine by me, I've done it often enough so we started chatting. Then I finished her swap shortly before the send out date and asked for her reply so messaged the swap hostess who is, by the way, a complete acetastic darling and she said to swap with her. Then Sharon reappeared asking for my address and apologising so it appeared to be fine. I asked for hers and there was nothing. Nothing at all. So I have given up.

    Were rules of the swap adhered to? yes/no explain: No. 'Nuff said.

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    Aww heck!

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    I wouldn't treat my cat that way sweetie but I do understand it's not easy. Maybe just threatening him might be enough to make him buck up his ideas. Does he ever take care of the kids so you can take a night off? x

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    Ace Rachie. Just Ace.

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    Your husband is taking the mick Abby. Sit him down and sort him out sweetie otherwise he's just going to keep doing that and it's not fair on you.

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    Hey PJ,

    What kind of pattern? Knitting, sewing, crochet? x

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    You know I saw the strangest thing the other day:


    Now yes my cat gets a present every year (mostly to distract him from the Christmas tree) and he sends one to his Daddy because it makes Alex laugh but I refuse to spend a fiver on an advent calender for a cat.

    Plus the fact I have two hen nights, two weddings, a new niece born a few days ago, hallowe'en, fireworks night, brother in law's birthday and my first wedding anniversary (I know, he made it this far without trying to kill me!) coming up before then!

    Right for the boys:

    How old are the boys Squirrel? x

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    Luna what about going as a Mummy if your foot is already in plaster? That way you can still be on crutches and the lurching looks authentic!

    Hope you heal soon xx

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    Wow you ladies have tremendous booty, you lucky things! I'm only a 36D (34C according to the shops but a C makes me overspill and the 34 part leaves me with unattractive rolls) but there are so few really nice bras that don't cost the earth round here it's sad.

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    Jesus Christ ladies if my husband did that to me he knows what he'd damn well get! For a start Abby you are not there for his personal convenience, you are not paid help and he does have to answer you when you talk to him because that is simply manners. If he can't do that then you unplug the tv and it doesn't go back on until he has damn well learned.

    Sug, as the main wage earner in the house (we both work but I'm the one with the higher wage packet and the longer hours to match) we work together to get it done and my Alex certainly doesn't sit on his behind playing games until the work is done. Unplug him. Don't cook for him. Do something because he is as full of it as a pig with colitis.

    I'm currently spitting feathers that your husbands are like this. it's lazy, rude and disrespectful on every level imaginable.

    GOD I'M SO CROSS FOR YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Unfortunately neither Ruby nor I have had a succesful swap yet. Which is really sad actually.

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    Yes and no. Whilst I have no intention of thinking about Christmas I have to considering I am the gift collator of the family. I loathe the fact there are advent calenders in the shops already, it's unatural. On the plus side I have made my Christmas cake and some puddings.

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    I still reccommend him coming up with his own ideas and pulling his finger out of his bottom... x

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    I'm going to be at home cuddling my husband and hoping that the villagers don't decide to burn the newcomers a la The Wicker Man...

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