Posts by Bryony

    I like Hallowe'en but I'm not overly keen on the practice of trick or treating because you always get some *&^%$^&* who thinks it's funny to egg your house if you have your lights off or are obviously not answering the door. Mischief night is even worse though.

    Where we used to live we organised Hallowe'en parties with the other mums at nursery/school so every year everyone went to a different house, we all dressed up and played game etc which was great and didn't involve freezing your bum off on the streets.

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    And get yourself tested if you've been sleeping together.

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    Anete looks great in sepia and has made the coolest dinosaur plushie ever! She can also crochet really well of which I am extremely jealous x

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    If you think it would work as a swap honey that might be a good idea x

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    Dessah is a real sweetie who is deeply committed to everything she goes into. She's a hard worker, a devoted mother and a wonderful crafter who is well loved by everyone who knows her. x

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    Where do you like best? x

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    Make them big and pretty and huge! Or small and things of wonder! Or Kawaii! Anything!

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    Which are the happiest colours in the world? If you have samples, put them up! If they are on a piece of clothing then put up a picture of you in it! xx

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    Zombieland! I forgot Zombieland! xx

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    Because you really love Schlomi darling. Although I do agree. My nearest craft store is two half hour buses away so I feel your pain x

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    Alex suggests a bit of olive oil. x

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    A sweet transvestite Kitty...

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    I watched the trailer for The Human Centipede and had nightmares for a week.

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    Seriously amazing, try this one first and let me know which is your favourite!

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    Thank you Lolly they are two of my favourite films! x

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