Posts by Bryony

    Gone on, tell me your favourites! x

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    Gah! Problem with making things for your husband: getting him to leave you alone long enough to actually make anything!

    Any ideas girls? x

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    Samsquanch you are obviously a creative person who really shouldn't need to resort to profanity full stop. Watch and learn my friend:

    Based on this:

    Based on a play written in 1897 by Edward Rostand. Profanity is just vulgar and, these days, not shocking in the slightest. Show your intelligence with eloquence and (a) you will find more people willing to listen to your point of view and (b) even if they disagree with your point of view there will be reasoned debate as there has been in this thread.

    Hot Coco has made some interesting points which have been debated but they were in no way personal attacks on her. Where the tone may have been judged wrongly the writer has apologised. That's the way things work and is much more in the spirit of hippydom than many other sites I have been on.

    I look forward to knowing you better,


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    Damn it Abbie now I have 'Zydrate Anatomy' going round and round in my head! x

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    Big hugs Sug x

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    Why don't you get willow and plait it? x

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    Good for you Ruby. Not a nice thing for new members to see.

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    Well said Ruby.

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    Sharon B has got back in touch so when we have recieved each other's parcels can we take her off the flakers list?

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    I'm tired of living in crafting no man's land. I have to go to Harrogate to get anything which is an hour by bus and I still can't get stuff like resin or plaster of paris. It's just not FAIR!

    Grump over, all is ace now.


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    Maybe a black mug so it won't show all the mucky finger prints?

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    Partner Name: Synthetic Stars

    Swap Name: Newbie/vet swap

    Did your partner keep in communication with you?: Yeah, she was amazing and then just dissapeared.

    Were rules of the swap adhered to? yes/no explain: Well I've made her stuff but As I haven't heard from her at all I'm not keen to send out. More worried than anything because she seemed so sad in her last post on here.

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