Posts by Bryony

    Hurrah! Nice one petal x

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    Sounds like your tension isn't right sweetie. How are you holding the yarn? x

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    Staple the explanation to his forehead? xx

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    He just doesn't want to be Dr Watson because that means your character will be brighter than his my love. tell him if he wants to be in a loving relationship NEXT October he's going to have to pull his finger out and choose. Worked on my Alex. x

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    And they can go out for walks on a lead which is uber cute. x

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    What a bitch sweetie! Hugs x

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    Why not do some life modelling? You get great pictures, something a bit more daring and it's incredibly relaxing. I just used to read a book, go to sleep or do my shopping list.

    Definitely get some wigs though, you have great hair and it would be a shame to cut it but wigs give you so much freedom.

    Apply to some fetish sites maybe? Do some latex work? Nothing trashy but something like this?

    Hope this helps xx

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    The look on Moric's face says "Why did you bring this home? Do we have to keep it?" xx

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    Tutorial on soap making, not your special recipes but a really basic way to do it that doesn't include melting down and existing bar? I'd love to try it. x

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    Firefox is a bit better, maybe try that? xx

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    Glad you're feeling a bit better honey and not in agony any more. Alex used to do a lot of scale modelling and worked with resin a lot. Apparently the vibrations cause the bubbles to go up instead of sticking there. He made his own vibrator using the motor from an old walkman (this is seriously back in the day...)

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    Anyone with small children you don't want scarring or who is easily offended please don't click the linkage.

    Yep Lolly, I know! Here is the original:

    Mmmm that hot bear lovin!

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    My Alex commiserates with you deeply and says he used a vibrator to get the air bubbles out (that's his statement and he's sticking to it) Hope you get better soon xx

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    By God she sounds a bit nutty! Not ace...

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    There are links to a video tutorial on my scarf how to or just search for video jug and look in their knitting section.

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