Posts by Bryony

    Hi Melissa, I'm new to! Hope you are having fun here x

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    I still have my rag doll Ukelele and she's still in great condition! Bit like Towey though, I had My Little Pony and my mum's Sindy. One of my best memories of childhood is being taken to the the toy market on thursday and getting a new My Little Pony which was subsequently washed in my Tiny Tears bath (anyone remember Tiny Tears?) Still haven't grown up though as my husband and I have bears from Build a Bear commemorating our wedding.

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    Oh how I wish I were near enough. If I bring my husband I could be felt up at felt camp *grins*

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    Hey, welcome to CO+K!

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    Yeah we had to fill it in when we got married, bit of a balls ache but not as bad as the Bahamas where you have to pay to leave...

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    Happy birthday Swimmer *presents you with a bunch of esoteric flowers*.

    What other things do you think you might enjoy doing?


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    Happy birthday for tomorrow then love! Doing anything nice? xx

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    Hi May, welcome to CO+K! I'm Bryony and I think I've only been here a month. Like Dessah says try the swaps they are really good fun! How did you find us? Hope to see you around! xx

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    I know what you mean, I spent a year out of work before I got my job and it wasn't fun. Have you thought about NVQs or some on the job training qualification? Might be a bit more varied that way? If you are still under 24 I think it is you can apply for apprenticeships x

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    Well we are saving (eventually) to put Alex through his Masters degree (English) and for me to get mine as well (Drama Therapy). We have said that when we win the lottery we are going to do degrees, masters and maybe a doctorate between us but until then we'll just have to keep saving.

    Why don't you start off with some local art classes/night school and see how you feel about education after that?


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    God Michelle, I thought you were admitting to solvent addiction for a minute there! x

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    Maybe the varnish you use for fimo as well? Would nail varnish work?

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    Hurrah hurrah! If anyone gets arsey (teachers especially) tell them that you are planning for your future, that one usually gets you away with anything.

    Big hugs and well done you


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    Not unusual. Ours has a list of favourite places to sit. This includes:

    Anything you happen to be reading
    Anything you happen to be working on
    Clean washing
    Ironing boards
    Mixing bowls

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    YAY! Congratulations, I guarantee that this will not be your last x

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