Posts by Bryony

    I've just been watching a very odd programme about choosing the gender of your child and wondered how the other members felt about it?

    I know that in the US there are clinics you can go to where it's legal (if pricey) to choose the gender of your child. That's not the case here in England. Do you think the American or English system is better? Is it right to choose the gender of your children?

    I just don't know and the programme upset me quite a lot so I wanted to know what you guys think.

    Have fun


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    Love the Happy Cake! I'm making Pineapple upside down cake for my poor husband when he comes home. It sounds like he's had a rough day Happy

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    This is the cat:

    The Cat and Alex:


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    We've been making malted milkshakes over here as they are impossible to get in the UK. That and and a cream tea <i>dribbles</i>

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    Oh my god I am so sorry that came our so big!

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    Thanks Violetta! Sorry I am such a newbie.

    Here is my Alex, we've been married for eight months so far and this is him on our honeymoon/wedding:

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    Yay done it! Looking forward to seeing your how to Birdy! xx

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    Loving how happy everyone looks! How do you put pictures in your posts?

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    Hey guys, I'd like to join! Bryony, UK based but willing to ship. And newbie.

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    Hey! So glad to meet you all! I'm Bryony from Yorkshire in England and I am most defintely a newbie! xx

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    Hey guys, Bryony here, nice to meet you all! x

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    I wish I'd been able to join in with this, it looks like fun.

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    Three tattoos: Phoenix back piece, butterfly on my left uppr ribs and a lizard on my right hip.

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    Same here, my first 'how to' and I can't post it!

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    Sorry, what the hell does it have to do with him?! It's your damn body and your damn life! Your sister is being selfish for going on birth control?! What a load of @#~&*%$£^&@~}{+_. Sorry but he's mad.

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