I just checked my provisional grades for last semester (not sure when confirmed grades are through, but this is a good indication) and for Reading the Media I got 63 over all which is a 2:1 (I got 56 in one essay and 70 in another - 70 is a First) and in Reading Texts I got a 72. I was told that they weren't even grading anyone at 70 or above this year; they mark everyone really harshly in the first year so you try harder. So even at harsh grading, I managed to get two marks over a First. Holy crap. That was for my creative piece as well, and I've never considered myself a great creative writer, I just thought it'd spice things up a bit. Sorry to boast but I'm really happy now. I think my Writing For Academic Success grade is going to be crap, but I hated that subject anyway.
Posts by Knittin' Kitten
So with the cloth pads...how often are you meant to wash them? I don't really get it.
I tried to use a moon cup (or diva cup) but it was just SO painful! And it leaked all the time.
Yeah I need to lose weight. I can only go boxing once a week now though, and haven't been back yet - that starts on Tuesday. Since I came back to uni I've lost a bit of weight because, thank god, sex counts as exercise! And I have sex maybe every other day. But I desperately need to lose more. Every time I look in the mirror I feel disgusting. I can't decide what to wear when I go out and end up just wearing jeans and a top or something, when all my friends are wearing dresses. And when I go to buy clothes, I always think "that will look really nice when I've lost weight", but I don't want to buy clothes that I can't wear yet.
Problem is I'm so poor, I thought I would have lost weight cause I'm not eating much. Maybe beans on toast and some noodles in a day? And some toast. I eat a lot of carbs but I'm vegetarian and can't afford vegetables and that, so I don't have much of a choice. I'm gonna start drinking water instead of squash, cause I drink a LOT of squash and it's bound to have loads of sugar in. And I might cut down to one sugar in my tea. And cut down on chocolate eating. I need to do exercise but can't afford the gym and I hate running. I might get an exercise DVD so I can do that in my room, and do sit-ups and that when I clean my room.
I have small eyes too, and what I do is put silver/grey eyeshadow on the top and bottom of my eyes (but a very thin line on the bottom), then just mascara on both sets of lashes and a thin line of black liquid eyeliner on the top lid which goes out into a flick. I sometimes do a little dot or two next to the flick as well, just to pull my eyes out more.
Here's a picture of me with said makeup. Please excuse my disgraceful drunkenness
I have the extra problem that there are like no eyeshadows I can wear. If I wear dark eyeshadow, my eyes look smaller, but I can't really wear colours - blue is an obvious one but they make my eyes look less green. And green eyeshadow doesn't look right. I wonder if yellow would look alright?
Uni work is giving me a headache, and Sophie's going to be out tomorrow night.
That is all.
Mm it's horrible! Normally I go for guys that are, well, not that attractive to anyone but me. My usual type is slightly girly, messed up guys with long hair. I think they're gorgeous but no one else does and that's fine by me. So now I actually have this normal, really good looking guy and I'm realising why it's such a pain haha.
I've been watching the new series of Desperate Housewives, and a Catherine is doing a similar thing to Sophie, so I really want to be a bitch and just stand near Sophie going "On Desperate Housewives, Catherine is being really psychotic and trying to get back in with Mike, who clearly never liked her and belongs with Susan, and it's like no matter how many times he tells Catherine he's not interested and that he loves Susan, she just keeps being a sad bitch. Isn't it pathetic when people can't let go?"
Ooh what was the third ending? I saw the one with the knife, not the one where he flies into the camera.
I agree Squizita, the clip of the other girl being possessed probably scared me the most. And yeah, I kept relating her story back to mine, cause I sleep really weirdly (as I have discussed in detail on then nightmares and night terrors thread) and my boyfriend's seen me thrashing about in my sleep so I bruise myself and that. Just a couple of the things seemed similar to what has happened to me. But I guess that was the point of the film haha, it was meant to be realistic.
Yeah I'm a massive zombie geek. Got all the Romeros, 28 Days/Weeks Later, White Zombie, Evil Dead (even though not technically zombies), Dead Snow, Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, Tokyo Zombie (absolutely hilarious - like Shaun of the Dead but Japanese and less serious)
I try really hard to avoid violence - I used to resort to it far too quickly, so now I don't start fights. Andy doesn't really get why it bothers me so much, he just keeps saying to ignore her, she's a bitch and just jealous and stuff. If she does it again, I might ask him to talk to her. Because he can actually be nice, whereas the conversation that keeps going through my head that I'd have with her is along the lines of "He loves me, not you, he never has and never will, so grow up and get the fuck over it because he can't stand you" and I like to go about things in the nicest way possible. It means I get shat on, but it means I don't turn into someone like her. The problem is, I'm not gonna just go up and punch her - we hang out in the same group of people and if I did that, I would be the bad person. What I need her to do is say something near me, or do something to Andy - problem is she's far too sneaky. And I don't want to be constantly waiting for her to piss me off. I hope Andy will talk to her if I ask him to. He's just too nice for his own good, he hates confrontation and stuff.
Going out tonight, really hope she's not there...
Haha oh dear! That's worrying.
Right, I'll give this a go.
Age 7 - Spice Girls
Age 10 - Avril Lavigne
Age 11 - Rammstein, Sentenced, Slayer, Megaherz
Age 12/13 - Same as above + Type O Negative, Placebo, Bauhaus, Wednesday 13/Murderdolls, Eminem
Age 14/15 - Same as above + Dresden Dolls, Depeche Mode
Age 16/17 - Same as above + Amanda Palmer, Regina Spektor, Kimya Dawson, Radiohead, Muse, Nick Cave, Tom Waits, The Ink Spots
Age 18 - Same as above + Opeth, In Flames, Lamb of God etc
Mine doesn't change much, more grow.
You don't sound blunt at all Kiddo, thank you =)
Yeah it's just the problem that she's around all the time. And I can't stop Andy from seeing his friends, even if I wanted to, it's just no fair. Andy knows how I feel and he's pretty angry with her right now for being so rude to me. Beth doesn't like her because she used to do the same to Adam, and Lauren doesn't like her because she was on the receiving end of some of it. I talked to my friend Stevie last night as well - when I was first told I was going to meet this girl who'd liked Andy for ages, I wasn't bothered at all, I'm always of the opinion that if someone else likes my partner then that's fine as long as they don't do anything about it and I trust my partner, and Stevie was telling me how nice and friendly she is and stuff, and I was hoping to make friends with her. And when she's done little things before, Stevie's just said don't let it bother you etc etc, but when I told him what happened last night he said he doesn't want to be friends with someone who treats people like that. So I do have a few people on my side - it's just the others. And they've all known her for like two and a half years, whereas I'm a fairly recent arrival, so why would they choose me over her anyway? It's just a sucky situation, and one of those which is making me want to hide in my room and cry and never come out. I feel like I'm being bullied and there's nothing I can do about it.
But I'm gonna go round Andy's in a bit and hopefully have a chat with him.
I got so close to it - for a while Andy kept saying that I should just do it because he can't, but when she came out I was just glaring at her so I think he realised then that I was actually ready to smack her, so he dragged me away. I'm still just as angry today, and I don't know what to do...I was talking to my friend Beth there, who's Andy's mate's girlfriend and she said that Sophie has also been after Adam, her boyfriend, for about two years, and while she's not as bad to Beth as she is to me, Beth still keeps an eye on her, so it's not just me that doesn't trust her. But then Beth and Adam have been together for two years, so they're a lot more comfortable in their relationship - it's only been three months for me and Andy, and while I'm so so happy with him, I'm obviously still a bit weird, and there's an annoying combination going on of him not really having had a relationship before so not knowing the little things that could annoy your girlfriend, and me not being used to having an attractive boyfriend, so more paranoid than usual. But I'd just got over that =(
What's annoying me most is that I don't know what can be done about it. I don't think anything can. I don't want to stop hanging out with this group of people just because of her, and I don't want to feel like I can't leave Andy alone for two seconds.
I made my German class listen to Sonne, but that's weak compared with Rein Raus haha!
I'm in a fucking awful mood now, so you will just have to deal with the obscenities.
I went out tonight for Andy's friend's birthday, who I know and like. We started at the SU which was fine, but this girl (who I've probably mentioned before) who has been in love with Andy for like two fucking years was there, and she always such a bitch so I was keeping my eye on her. She didn't do anything for ages, then when I went outside for a cigarette she was talking to Andy and as soon as she saw me, she stared right at me and laughed and stroked him on the arm. I was so angry but I just went over and kissed Andy in front of her. Then we went to this pub, and on the way Andy let this girl who is best friends with the fucking whore borrow his jacket, so the fucking whore took his jacket and was wearing it, then kept giving me bitchy little smiles. I told Andy I was upset about it and he got his jacket back straight away and was really nice about it, proper made up to me. Then we went to a club, where the birthday girl grabbed my hand for a second and ran past security, so they gave me the option of paying £9 for the both of us to get in or not get in at all. But everyone else had already paid, so I had to pay the £9. Which meant I had £2 left to spend on drinks, fucking fantastic. But when I was stuck outside, trying to get Steph out so she could pay for herself because I was in tears at this point, Lauren (pretty much my best friend) was with her and the fucking vindictive little whore, and this certain excuse-for-a-woman started bitching about me, and how if I wasn't gonna pay to get in then why should I. But it wasn't me that skipped the goddamn queue, it was Steph! So this miserable mothercunt starts complaining about me to my best friend, saying I'm a cheap bitch and fuck me, and when Steph said we should go wait for me in the foyer she just went "Nah, fuck her, let's go dance." Then tried to drag Andy onto the dance floor.
That miserable sonofabitch, she needs to get her own life and stop trying to steal mine. I try desperately hard not to be violent, because I used to be pretty bad, but god, tonight I got so close to strangling that ugly cunt. And then I wanted to go back to Andy's, because I was pretty upset, but he didn't want me to because he doesn't sleep as well when someone's in his bed, and I understand that but I could really have done with a cuddle tonight because now I'm just sat alone in bed, crying and angry and trying to resist the urge to send some hatemail to that cheap trout.