November 2010
Stretch Marks 15th November 2010I noticed recently some rather large stretch marks on my breasts. I've had them before and have used Vitamin E oil to success but I've been using pure Vitamin E oil nightly and sometimes in the morning as well without much sucess. Anyone have any other great home remedies for...16 replies · Last reply about 14 years ago
Tattoo Question.. 2nd November 2010I've been doing a lot of reading up on tattoos since I want to get one next year, and can't find the answer to this anywhere: Does everyone need a touch-up after getting a tattoo?24 replies · Last reply about 14 years ago
October 2010
Hair - long or short?! 31st October 2010What do you think: Do you prefer women with long or short hair? I'm really interested in, I'm a student and have short hair, some people say it looks cute, some people say, you look like a guy when you have short hair (as a woman). Please share your opinions! here my hairstyle...17 replies · Last reply about 14 years ago
Make-up Tutorials (: 23rd October 2010So i don't know if i'm alone on this one but since i can remember growing up since i first started wearing make-up. When i get bored...i will do the craziest make up styles on my face and hair or whatever purely for the sake of curing my boredom them wiping it off. So i was...4 replies · Last reply about 14 years ago
New Hair - how bad is it??? 14th October 2010Soooo my Boyfriend likes me as a readhead. I haven't been one in ages. He's coming home from his military duty soon ( like, coming home for real, ending his work there, ohmygoshI'msohappyyyyyy!!! ), and I wanted to surprise him... Since my bangs were still blonde from all my...17 replies · Last reply about 14 years ago
September 2010
New hairstyle help? 29th September 2010So I want to completely change my hair style. I'm so sick of my current one. Most recent picture of me. I already found a picture, and I'm completely in love with the style. I'm just not to sure if it would look flattering on me or...14 replies · Last reply about 14 years ago
Best products for human hair extensions? 12th September 2010Hi all! Yesterday, I got some human hair extensions glued in. My friend who did them gave me lots of good tips, she's got years of experience with them. But I'd also like to hear your recommendations, if you have any experience wearing human hair that's not just clip in. Whats...1 reply · Last reply over 14 years ago
henna from Lush 11th September 2010Hi guys! some weeks ago I discovered Lush and I've decided to order something from the website because there isn't any store in Palermo... I want to order the henna too, but I'm not very sure about it, so I'd like to ask if there's someone here that has already used this...4 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
August 2010
mohawk help! 18th August 2010heyy im thinking of getting a mohawk for the end of summer when i go back to uni. i loved jared letos! im not sure whether id get the shaved sides or just very short sides but i am wanting one! buttttt im not sure if i would suit one anyone help? be honest i cant up load pic...8 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
proble with sun tane 13th August 2010ok here is my problem: i m a brunette in a very sunny country and even if i avoid the sun and i use sun cream i allways manage to get a lot of sun tane and the worst thing is that my skin on my hands and feet is darker on the face lighter and on my belly and breast pale, sh*...3 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Hair dye beginner 13th August 2010I really want to start dying my hair. I have no idea where to start, what product to use, how to look after dyed hair or anything. EEk. Any advice? My hairs dark so will all colours work? how do i choose what color?7 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Show off your Hair :} 7th August 2010Hey guys, this topic should be fun haha. ive seen one on craftster and i love to see all the different styles and colours people have (i've checked up on here to see if there was any like it...just in case xD), pretty much show off your hair-do's/ styles..HAIR lol11 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
How to stop hair dye from fading... 2nd August 2010I dyed my hair a couple of weeks ago using a box kit. The kit was for permanent hair dye. I don't shower every day, and when I do I use "color saving" shampoo. And yet, my hair has already faded! Any suggestions? How do you keep your hair dye from fading?6 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
New Hairstyle Help? 1st August 2010i'm Starting My Junior Year in high school in a few weeks and i would like to try a new hair style. i've been wearing it straight down (with a few ponytails here and there) and i don't know what to try...and sugesstions? Here's A pic if u need to see how my hair looks.....4 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
July 2010
Who else makes shampoo with royal jelly? 27th July 2010I know that L'Oreal has a shampoo and conditioner set out there that has royal jelly in it, but I don't like to buy from them (I try to avoid buying anything fom companies that test on animals). Before I knew they tested on animals, I used one of their at home hair dye kits...8 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Who else makes shampoo with royal jelly? 27th July 2010I know that L'Oreal has a shampoo and conditioner set out there that has royal jelly in it, but I don't like to buy from them (I try to avoid buying anything fom companies that test on animals). Before I knew they tested on animals, I used one of their at home hair dye kits...3 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Pink patches near nose? 20th July 2010Hello, I'm a 17 year old female with a pale complextion. This is a skin issue that I've had for as long as I could remember. On the area next to my nose, I have these sploches of red. They're not like fire truck red, but it's more of pinkness. I used to think that the skin...0 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
I wanna wear wigs... 18th July 2010Yes...I really do. I find all of these really, really cute wigs and I really wanna buy them and just wear 'em! But I'm so iffy on it... I was sitting on the bus with one of my friends and a girl was wearing a wig (just because she liked it), and my friend said "Why would she...13 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
hair dye 9th July 2010seeing as I'm addicted to hair dyeing (woo!), I'm starting a thread for me to ramble about hair yeah! This weekend I'm re-dyeing my hair pink, because my red is fading out to a nasty blotchy orange/faded pink it is! After that I'm gonna let it recuperate...14 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
June 2010
Red lipstick help? 26th June 2010Hello So a few days ago, I got the most beautiful dark red lipstick from Avon. I love it and wanna wear it more often, but my only problem is this: It doesn't match any of my everyday looks :/ These are "everyday" looks for me: (As you can...12 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
How to make hair grow faster? Mane 'N Tail?? 19th June 2010So, when I woke up today, my hair was near the middle of my back. It was long and lovely. Today, I went to get it trimmed, and the woman ended up cutting it above my shoulders (how this happened is a looooooong story that I'm not gonna get into) and put in way too many layers....17 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Temp. Hair Dye 13th June 2010I was wondering if anyone on here used temporary hair dye (spefically Color Fiend from Hot Topic)? My aunt wants to dye her hair a sort of blood red colour (like how P!nk looks in U + Ur Hand) and we decided it might be better to get an idea of how it looks before we use...2 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Getting rid of black hair? 10th June 2010A little while ago (months) I dyed my hair black, and Im wondering how to get rid of it? I have a few centimetres of re-growth at the top and the rest of my hair is faded.. but I want to dye my hair again, but a lighter colour.. anyone know how to get rid of it? I've already...8 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Getting rid of black hair? 10th June 2010A little while ago (months) I dyed my hair black, and Im wondering how to get rid of it? I have a few centimetres of re-growth at the top and the rest of my hair is faded.. but I want to dye my hair again, but a lighter colour.. anyone know how to get rid of it? I've already...1 reply · Last reply over 14 years ago
Red Hair! 4th June 2010So, school got out for summer today (woo!) and I dyed my hair "Nuclear Red" from Special Effects USA hair dye. I used Manic Panic's 30 Volume Flash Lightning for an hour, then shampooed it out, then put a whole bottle of the SFX color on it and left that on for 30 minutes,...16 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
May 2010
lemon soap sources(special thx to kellbear) 28th May 2010hey Kellbear, I can't find lemon soap anywhere in town, but etsy is a great source[]=tags&includes[]=title...1 reply · Last reply over 14 years ago
Dry blotchy skin. 20th May 2010Anyone who suffers from it? Your not alone . I found like the most amazing miracle remedy lol. Sweet Lemon soap. I bought it today from the body shop and its just amazing. I have really bad ace blotches on the side of my face and dry skin. I used this , my skin appears so much...3 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Witch Hazel! 19th May 2010I want to make good bath bombs, but I can't get them better than below average. I live in Norway, and is possible to buy witch hazel here or in Sweden? Or anything like witch hazel, like a substitute?1 reply · Last reply over 14 years ago
Good, cheap makeup? 19th May 2010Hi everyone! I'm going to my boyfriend's birthday party this weekend at a club we've rented out for the night. It's going to be pretty big and I want to look special. I am in desperate need of new makeup (yes, I've been wearing the same 2 or 3 colors of eyeshadow every time I...15 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
scar treatment... 8th May 2010i wasn't sure if this belonged in this category, or the beauty sorry if this seems out of place. i got a piercing that resulted in two pea sized keloid scars, and i've read that silicone sheeting is one of the best, at home remedies for this type of scaring, problem...1 reply · Last reply over 14 years ago
Best high street eyeliner/ concealer
Do you know how to cure dark circles?. :(
How many of you are nail junkies?
Making DIY Hair Chalks?!
Split ends and temporary hair color...
your makeup weakness...
Short hair help
Tattooed Makeup
how to make hair look longer?
xmas party hairdo