henna from Lush

Hi guys!
some weeks ago I discovered Lush and I've decided to order something from the website because there isn't any store in Palermo... Happy
I want to order the henna too, but I'm not very sure about it, so I'd like to ask if there's someone here that has already used this product (the black one)... if yes, are you satisfied of it? and the most important thing I need to know, how long does it last?
thank you! have a nice week end ^__^

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4 replies since 11th September 2010 • Last reply 11th September 2010

Ive never personally used it. But standard henna usally last about 2-3 weeks.

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I've never used the henna but Lush products are fantastic.

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My sister's used the rouge henna and the marron one, It lasted for like 2 months and grows out gracefully with no major root problems Happy Also it makes her hair SUPER shiny for about 2 months Happy Hope this helps!

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hi friends! thanks so much for your answers... you were very helpful; so I think I'll buy the henna...
have a lovely week! ^___^

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